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Architecture, Sustainability
23 sep 2024

How to become an urban planner

Edited on 02 Oct. 2024
Vista nocturna de una ciudad asiática

Urban planning is a key discipline in the development of sustainable and resilient cities in the face of climate change. For this reason, urban planners play a fundamental role in the design of livable spaces, seeking a balance between urban growth and environmental protection.

If you are interested in transforming cities and improving the quality of life of their inhabitants, training in this field can be the first step. In this article, we will explain what an urban planner is, what functions they perform and how you can become one, for which Universidad Europea’s degree in Architecture will help you prepare for this profession

What is an urban planner?

An urban planner is a professional in charge of designing and organising the growth and development of cities. Their job involves planning the efficient use of land, natural resources and infrastructure, with the goal of creating sustainable, functional and pleasant spaces to live in.

This job has become very relevant in recent years due to population growth and accelerated urbanisation. These factors require solutions that take into account both the well-being of people and environmental sustainability.

In the current context, urban planners play an important role in the adaptation of cities to the challenges of climate change. Their decisions directly influence carbon footprint reduction, green space creation, sustainable urban mobility and resource management.

What does a city planner do?

Some of the main responsibilities and functions of an urban planner are:

  • Land use planning: an urban planner analyses and strategically allocates different land uses, such as residential, commercial, industrial and recreational areas. The goal is to find a balance between economic development and environmental conservation.
  • Infrastructure development: designs transportation systems, water, sewage and electricity networks, ensuring that cities function properly and that these infrastructures are sustainable in the long term.
  • Urban mobility: promotes public transport and active mobility solutions (such as cycling and walking) that reduce dependence on private vehicles and thus reduce emissions of polluting gases.
  • Environmental protection: One of the great challenges of modern urban planning is environmental protection. Urban planners develop strategies to preserve green spaces, minimise the impact of construction on ecosystems and promote the responsible use of natural resources.

Adapting to climate change: As changes in climate become more evident, urban planners must anticipate phenomena such as rising sea levels, heat waves and intense storms by designing infrastructure adapted to meet these challenges.

What do you have to study to become an urban planner?

To become an urban planner, it is advisable to have a relevant academic background. While there are several paths that can lead you to this profession, training in environmental sustainability has gained prominence in recent years.

First of all, many future urban planners decide to pursue a Bachelor of Architecture, such as the one offered at Universidad Europea. Such programmes offer a solid base of knowledge on which to build such as in areas like spatial planning, urban design and environmental impact assessment, for example.

However, a general education is not enough. Specialisation is key. Many people often opt for a postgraduate degree such as a master in Sustainability. In addition to complementing their previous studies, this type of training provides them with the necessary tools to integrate climate adaptation into urban design and address issues such as natural resource management, emissions reduction and the implementation of sustainable policies.

Finally, it is important to be up to date on urban planning regulations and policies, as much of an urban planner's work involves developing plans that comply with local and national regulations. To this end, opting to study sustainability through at Universidad Europea’s School of Sustainability is a very good option.

What skills are needed to become an urban planner?

In addition to academic training, an urban planner must have a series of key competencies to perform his or her job. Some of the most important ones are:

  • Analytical skills: urban planners must interpret complex data on land distribution, population density, traffic and climate, among other factors.
  • Strategic thinking: urban planning involves anticipating how cities will evolve in the future and making decisions that respond to both current and long-term needs.
  • Knowledge of sustainability: urban planners must be well informed about sustainable practices and how to implement them in their projects.
  • Communication skills: these professionals collaborate with governments, architects, engineers and the community at large, so they need to express their ideas and proposals clearly and effectively.
  • Problem solving: in urban planning, challenges constantly arise, such as the need to relocate infrastructure or manage urban growth without affecting the natural environment. A good urban planner must find innovative solutions to these problems.

Career opportunities for an urban planner

Sustainable urban planning offers numerous career opportunities in various sectors. One of the main areas in which an urban planner can work is in the public sector, collaborating with local and regional administrations in land use planning and infrastructure development.

There is also a strong demand in the private sector, where urban planners can work in urban planning consultancies, engineering and architectural firms, or even real estate, providing expertise to make projects sustainable and viable in the long term.

Many urban planners also work in non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and international agencies dedicated to environmental conservation and mitigating the effects of climate change. In this context, this professional can contribute to the creation of projects that seek to reduce the environmental impact of cities.

Becoming an urban planner not only involves acquiring technical knowledge in urban planning and design, but also having a complete vision of sustainability and the impact of climate change on cities. This profession offers many opportunities for those who wish to participate in building more livable, sustainable and resilient cities.

The world needs people committed to the future of cities, and urban planning is a career with great projection in these times.