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Engineering, Sustainability
27 aug 2024

What is the green house effect?

Edited on 27 Aug. 2024
Planta de residuos de biomasa, ramas y restos de poda

The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon on earth in which heat is trapped at the surface by so-called greenhouse gases (GHG). Year after year due to human activities it has been intensifying, creating severe consequences for the planet.

If you are interested in a degree related to the environmental and sustainable sector, the master in Sustainability at Universidad Europea will prepare you with the knowledge and skills to develop your professional career in this area.

Greenhouse gases and types

Greenhouse gases are the gaseous components found in the earth's atmosphere. They can absorb and emit infrared radiation, maintaining the correct temperature of the planet for the life of all organisms.

The concentrations of these gases have increased due to human actions and activities over the years, so the greenhouse effect has increased, leading to global warming.

The main greenhouse gases and their sources are listed below:

  • Carbon dioxide: its natural origin comes from the decomposition of organic matter, as well as from the respiration of living beings. In turn, this type of gas has its human origin in the use of fuels such as oil or coal and industrial processes.
  • Methane: the natural origin comes from the digestion of animals and the decomposition of wetlands and swamps. Its human origin comes from agriculture and animal husbandry, as well as solid waste from humans and animals.
  • Fluorinated gases: no natural origin, but human origin through refrigeration or the use of air conditioners.
  • Nitrous oxide: the natural origin comes from microbiological processes and the human origin comes from industrial activities or the use of fertilisers.

All these gases are increasing with human actions and activities in all parts of the planet, together with natural processes from living organisms and weather conditions.

What has the most impact on the greenhouse effect?

These are some of the main causes of the greenhouse effect and its negative impact on environmental sustainability and climate change.

  • Deforestation (felling of trees): trees help regulate the climate by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. Once felled, the carbon stored in them is released into the atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect.
  • Combustion of materials such as coal, gas or oil leads to the production of large quantities of carbon dioxide.
  • Livestock and agriculture: animals such as cows and sheep (ruminants) produce a large amount of methane during digestion, and the growth of such industries leads to an increase in this gas being released directly into the atmosphere.
  • The use of fertilisers in agriculture promotes nitrous oxide emissions.
  • All appliances used by humans produce fluorinated gases.

Consequences of the greenhouse effect for nature

These are some of the consequences that affect biodiversity due to the increase in greenhouse gases and with it an increase in the temperature of the earth's surface.

  • Glacial melting.
  • Flooding of coastal areas and islands.
  • Natural disasters.
  • Species migration.
  • Desertification.

Solutions to the greenhouse effect

There are many actions that can be taken to counteract greenhouse gases, from individual measures to large-scale actions.

  • Use of different types of renewable energies, solar, wind and others, reducing the use of raw materials.
  • Use of clean and less polluting public transport.
  • Encourage and educate in recycling and circular economy.
  • Consumption of organic, local and seasonal products, reducing the consumption of meat and food waste.

Thanks to the implementation of different actions such as those mentioned above, the carbon footprint can be reduced, as well as the environmental impact caused by human action at a global and local level.

If you are interested in sustainability and all that it implies, Universidad Europea offers a wide variety of Health Science Degrees where you can choose the branch that you like the most.