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Becas Segunda Oportunidad para CFGS

Second Chance Scholarships for Higher Level Technical Degrees (CFGS)

The Community of Madrid (CAM) has announced a grant co-financed by the European Social Fund Youth Employment Initiative through the Operational Youth Employment Programme.


Aimed at students of Higher Level Professional Training, in on-site courses.






Higher-Level Technical Degrees

Student profiles

Nuevo alumno - Alumno


From 10 to 31 jul.


Beca cofinanciada por el Fondo Social Europeo Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil, a través del Programa Operativo de Empleo Juvenil

What are the Second Chance Scholarships for CFGS?

All students who meet the following requirements at the end of the application submission period can apply for scholarships with the Community of Madrid:

  • Must be registered in the Sistema Nacional de Garantía Juvenil, as a beneficiary.
  • Must be over the age of 16 and under the age of 30.
  • Must not be involved in any of the circumstances provided for in Article 13 of Law 38/2003, of November 17, General Subsidies.

The amount provided by the CAM Scholarships varies annually. For more information consult the website:


CAM Second Chance Scholarship Deadlines for CFGS

The application deadlines for the current period are closed.

To find out the deadlines for the next period you can consult the Community of Madrid website:


How to apply for this scholarship/aid

The Community of Madrid offers two methods of application:

  • Via Internet (through the platform provided by the Community of Madrid webpage).
  • In person (in the Community of Madrid Registry Offices)
Documents needed to apply for CAM scholarships

Essential documentation which must be presented to apply for the scholarship

  • Enrolment certificate, price of the course and commitment to attend, according to the model included in Annex I of the Summons issued by the Secretariat of the centre where the course is held.
  • Complete copy of the family register, birth certificate, or civil register authorised by family members.
  • National ID number (DNI or NIE) of the applicant and all members of legal age who appear in the application. In addition, in order to increase the speed of the application, you can request an online appointment with the Community of Madrid, verifying your DNI/NIE, income declaration, or disability recognition.
  • Certificate of registration in the files of the Sistema Nacional de Garantía Juvenil. HTTPS://GARANTIAJUVENIL.SEPE.ES/NUEVASOLICITUD
More information about Second Chance Scholarships for CFGS