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Generalitat Valenciana Grants for University Studies

Grants for University Studies (call for 2021-2022 academic year)







Degree Programmes - Double Degree - Postgraduate Programmes - Doctorates and PhD Programmes

Student profiles

Alumno - Nuevo alumno


Deadline to consult


Plazo cerrado. Se actualizará la información cuando se publique la nueva convocatoria


Deadline closed. The information will be updated when the new call for applications is published


The processing and submission of the application will be made only on the GVA processing platform.

Studies included
  • University studies adapted to the European Higher Education Area leading to official bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
  • Complementary training for access to or obtaining a master’s, bachelor’s, or to continue official undergraduate studies.
General requirements
  • Be Spanish or have the nationality of a member state of the European Union. For citizens of the Union or their family members, beneficiaries of the rights of free movement and residence, they must have the status of permanent residents or be able to prove that they are self-employed or employed. The spouse or partner of the formalized civil union, direct dependent ascendants, and direct dependent descendants under 21 years of age will be considered “family members.” For non-EU foreigners, the provisions of the regulations on the rights and freedoms of foreigners in Spain and their social integration will apply.
  • Proof of administrative residence in any municipality of the Comunitat Valenciana.
  • To pursue studies leading to official university degrees referred to in Article 2, Point 1 or, if applicable, Point 3, of this order, at universities in the Comunitat Valenciana
  • Not have or meet the legal requirements to obtain a degree of the same or higher level than that of the studies for which the scholarship is requested. For this purpose, those students who only need to prove a certain level of knowledge of a foreign language to obtain the degree may not be beneficiaries of a grant.
  • Meet the regulations’ economic and academic requirements

In addition, you must meet several academic and economic requirements that you can consult in the regulations.

Grant amount

For students enrolled in private universities or private centers associated with public universities, this grant will consist of aid to pay tuition fees for the credits taken. The amount of this grant will be equal to the minimum price of a study with the same level established by Decree 168/2021

In all cases, the grant will only cover the credits enrolled by the student in the first and/or second enrollment, without prejudice to the provisions of section five of this resolution.

Those credits that exceed the minimum required to obtain the degree in question will not be part of the tuition grant.