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Familiar en otro título de la Universidad Europea

Family Member Studying Another Degree at Universidad Europea

If you have a family member enrolled at Universidad Europea at the graduate, postgraduate, or advanced technical studies level (CFGS), you will get 5% off your tuition.


This discount is for students who have a family member previously enrolled in a degree programme at Universidad Europea at the graduate, postgraduate or advanced technical studies (CFGS) level.


Blended - Campus-based - Online


Canarias - Madrid - Madrid - Valencia


Degree Programmes - Double Degree - Postgraduate Programmes - Higher-Level Technical Degrees

Student profiles

Nuevo alumno - Alumno


Deadline to consult


5% de descuento en concepto de docencia

How this discount works

If a student who wishes to enroll has a family member enrolled in another degree programme at the graduate, postgraduate or advanced technical studies (CFGS) level, the family member who enrolls second shall receive 5% off their tuition. This discount shall apply to all of their years at the University.

  • The following are considered family members: father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister and spouse.
  • The following are considered university degrees: diploma, technical architecture, architecture, technical engineering, engineering, bachelor’s degree or degree.
General conditions

Discount compatibility

No discounts included in regulations, or agreements made with groups or scholarships granted by Universidad Europea are cumulative.

Funding exceptions

This discount will not be applicable if the first family member is enrolled in the Degree in Medicine, Degree in Dentistry (Spanish/English) or Degree in Physiotherapy (French).

The discounts for family members, continuation of studies, simultaneous studies or any agreement signed with Universidad Europea will not be applicable to degrees with a closed price.

Financial aid application period

If a student is an eligible recipient of a discount covered by regulations or as a result of belonging to a group with which the University has signed an agreement, they must provide proof of their eligibility within the first two months of tuition bills for the academic year underway, i.e., prior to the third tuition bill. Once this period has elapsed, the discount shall be applied during the following academic year, so long as proof of eligible beneficiary status is provided.

More information

Contact our academic advisors at the following email addresses or by phone:

Universidad Europea de Madrid:

Universidad Europea de Valencia:
By calling +34 961 04 38 83 or ads.valencia@universidadeuropea.es

Universidad Europea de Canarias:
By calling +34 922 09 70 91 or admisiones.canarias@universidadeuropea.es