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Madrid: 918257508
Valencia: +34 961043883
Alicante: +34 965051793
Canarias: +34 922097091
Málaga: +34 951102240
Escuela Universitaria Real Madrid: +34 911128850
Valencia: +34 961043880
Alicante: +34 961043880
Canarias: +34 922985006
Málaga: +34 951102255
Servicios para empresas

Services and benefits for companies

Universidad Europea is committed to human talent and is an ally in promoting the development of staff at any company.

Why choose Universidad Europea as your ally in training human talent at your company?

  • Training adapted to the needs of your company in all areas of knowledge, covering the development of all groups of professionals.
  • A rich portfolio with over 100 programmes on offer.
  • Master's degrees (online, campus-based and blended) with a duration of just one year.
  • Short-format courses and expert courses to study specific topics in depth.
  • Your staff will benefit from close supervision from teaching staff and an academic tutor to ensure their success on the course.
  • European quality education with special benefits for your staff.
  • Qualification recognised throughout the European Higher Education Area.

Benefits for companies

Made-to-measure programmes

Universidad Europea can design and deliver programmes in line with the specific needs of your company, adapted to all groups of professionals, providing a qualification that is recognised throughout the European Higher Education Area.

Special study grants

Companies that work under an agreement with Universidad Europea have access to special discounts so their staff can study their preferred programmes.

Expanding international horizons

By studying with Universidad Europea alongside colleagues from 110 different countries, your staff will experience a truly global mentality and will develop skills on an international level.

Masterclasses specific to the needs of your organisation

As part of our involvement in development and training, Universidad Europea will support the companies on its agreement scheme with the full breadth of its academic knowledge.

Companies that trust in and have trusted in our agreement scheme

Are you responsible for training at your company?

Tell us about your company's needs and we can design programmes with specific content to train and develop your staff.

For more information, please contact us at nuria.beltran@universidadeuropea.es

Become a Corporate Partner of Universidad Europea

Our corporate partnership team will guide your organisation through the process of signing a collaboration agreement. Get in touch with them at nuria.beltran@universidadeuropea.es