Intelligent Technological Applications and Sustainability Research Group
Group members
Dr. Albert Rego Máñez, Professor of Data Science Degree at the Universidad Europea de Valencia (PI)
Dr. Héctor Espinos Morato
Dr. Víctor Ilisie Chibici
Dr. Vicent Gassó Tortajada
Main research topics
Line 1: Industry 4.0 This line of research encompasses developments and contributions in the technological field of Industry 4.0: Industrial AI, Data Science, Internet of Things (IoT), Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and Software Defined Networks (SDN). This area has been worked and developed by several members of the group in his previous career for several years, even since his time as a doctoral student, where the thesis revolved around proposals such as artificial intelligence, sensor development, work with intelligent protocols and communications standards such as Openflow, Smart Cities, and so on.
Line 2: AI Health This research area focuses on the development of what we call Personalized Medicine. Personalized Medicine involves the development of technologies using predictive image analysis, natural language processing or virtual reality. The use of Artificial Intelligence methods applied in this line of research is based on improving diagnostic processes, creating treatment protocols, monitoring and patient care, as well as massive sequencing processes that allow the development of more effective and less aggressive personalized therapies for patients or the development of biomarkers for early detection of diseases. In this sense, the group has a broad background in the development of predictive models for neurological diseases such as epilepsy, Parkinson's or Alzheimer's, in the detection of oncological biomarkers (specifically for breast cancer) or in the prognostic evaluation of cardiovascular diseases (specifically in the development of discrimination factors for cardiomyopathies).
Line 3: Information Systems for Sustainable Development This line of research is based on the development of Information Systems for Sustainable Development. It includes the development of metrics, monitoring systems, communication systems and support systems for decision making in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), through the use of Machine Learning, modeling and Data Viz technologies, with applications in sectors and fields such as industry, smart cities, education and public administration. This area has been successfully developed by some members of the research group in their previous research career.
Interdisciplinary Physics and Applied Mathematics Research Group
Group members
Dr. Víctor Ilisie, Coordinator and Professor of the Degree in Physics at the Universidad Europea de Valencia (PI)
Dr. Héctor Espinós Morató
Dr. Emilio Sánchez Ortiga
Dr. Miguel Galiana Martínez.
Main research topics
Line 1: Theoretical Physics associated to High Energy Physics. Study of new models beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics related to the Higgs Boson sector. Analysis of the predictions associated with these alternative models and the possible experimental signals that could be detected at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The models focus on possible explanations of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the Universe. Possible mathematical applications of High Energy Physics to Quantum Computing techniques.
Line 2: Particle Physics associated to Medical Physics. Study and design of new detectors associated with Nuclear Medical Imaging. These tomographs will allow obtaining a better medical image with a lower radiation dose, which would reduce the risks associated with radiation, both for the patient and the medical staff. In addition, it would allow a better diagnosis of oncology patients, which directly helps in the fight against cancer.
Line 3: 3D Microscopy Design of optical experiments from simulation to prototype assembly process. Cofocal scanning microscopy, structured illumination, digital holographic, Brillouin microscopy. The main objectives are related to an improvement in optical imaging and better characterization of samples and materials of various kinds.
Group members
José Fernández-Llebrez Muñoz, Professor Department of Projects and Architectural Representation (PI)
Miguel Galiana Martínez / Professor UEV
Carmen Molina Vázquez / Professor Doctor UEV
Patricia García Martínez / Professor UEV
Arístides Rosell Cabrera / Professor UEV
Andrés Suárez Outeda / Professor UEV
Inés García Clariana / External Researcher
Iñaki Romero Fernández-Larrea / External Researcher
Francisco Javier Domínguez Rodrigo / External Researcher
Main research topics
Research in the field of architectural culture and design. This line channels research activity of a more revisionist or critical nature on design and projected-built architecture (especially that linked to modern and contemporary architecture, without prejudice to the introduction of approaches linked to current thinking - anthropological, sociological or philosophical - (such as the consideration of the user's participatory processes) that enrich the initial ad hoc study-analysis approaches, from the perspective of obtaining useful or potentially applicable learning (results - conclusions) in the context of our architectural and urban reality. In any case, the line contemplates the versatility of collecting those research results of the different works already -or still- open of the members of the group, together with the design of research project/s that integrate and coordinate the different sensibilities of the members of the group.
Relevant merits / Competitive funding sources
Funding entity: Universidad Europea Years of duration: 1 (January 2018 - January 2019) Budget obtained: 1,600 €. Project PI: José Fernández-Llebrez Muñoz Name/Title: Valencian Masters of Architecture in the 20th Century Project acronym: 2018/UEM27
Funding entity: Generalitat Valenciana (GVA) Duration years: 2 (January 2019 - March 2021) Budget obtained: 14,500 €. Project PI: José Fernández-Llebrez Muñoz Name/Title: Valencian masters of architecture of the 20th century Project acronym: GV/2019/073
Funding entity: Universidad Europea Years of duration: 1 (March 2020 - June 2021) Budget obtained: 3.950 €. Project PI: José Fernández-Llebrez Muñoz Name/Title: 20th Century Architecture in the Valencian Community Project acronym: 2020/UEM18
Funding Entity: Santander Universities-European University Foundation Action: Scholarship Research Quarry Amount: 300€/month Period: 1 November 2020 - 30 June 2021 Grant holder/student UEV: Olga Botella Magraner Position offer acronym: 20BC-B8
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