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Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud Valencia

Faculty of Health Sciences in Valencia

Check here all the information about our Faculty of Health Sciences in Valencia: facilities and equipment, degrees, faculty and projects.

Management Team

  • Silvia Trujillo Barbera (Director Area of Health)
  • Mar Sánchez Marchori (Director Area of Psychology and Education)
  • Santiago Arias Herrera (Director Area of Dentistry)
  • Department of Pre-clinical Dentistry: Santiago Arias Herrera
  • Department of Clinical Dentistry: Esther Carramolino Cuellar
  • Department of Nursing, Physiotherapy and Biotechnology: Antonio Ruíz Hontangas
  • Department of Psychology: Clara López Mora
  • Coordinator for Dentistry: Anabel Gramatges
  • Coordinator for Physiotherapy: Francisco Javier González
  • Coordinator for Nursing: José Javier González
  • Coordinator for Psychology: Jesús Alberto Santolaya
  • Coordinator for Biotechnology: Beatriz Prieto
  • Faculty Assistant at the School of Biomedical and Health Sciences: Amparo Herrera
  • Nursing, Physiotherapy, and Psychology Advisor: Susana Sanfrutos
  • Dentistry Advisor: Celia Blat
  • Teaching Advisor: Carmen Molina
  • Postgraduate Degree Advisors: Victoria Caras and Amparo Burguet
  • Máster Universitario en Ortodoncia Avanzada: Dr Daniele Garcovich and Dr Milagros Adobes
  • Máster Universitario en Implantología Oral Avanzada: Dr Jose María Díaz and Dr Manuel Leopoldo
  • Máster en Endodoncia y Odontología Restauradora: Dr Pedro Mico and Dr Nicolas Collado
  • Máster Universitario en Enfermería Oncológica: Dr José Javier González
  • Máster Universitario en Urgencias, Emergencias y Críticos en Enfermería: Dr José Vicente Carmona
  • Máster Universitario en Fisioterapia Invasiva y Terapia Manual: Dr Alejandro Sendin
  • Máster Universitario en Psicología General Sanitaria: Dª. Valeria Farriol

Our strategy

The School of Biomedical and Health Sciences encompasses a wide range of degrees. Our programmes are based on the scientific-professional model which focuses on providing students with hands-on learning opportunities in the health sector. Our multidisciplinary teaching approach combines simulation opportunities with lab practice so students are able to build the comprehensive set of skills needed for the professional world.

Our value proposition is based on four fundamental pillars:

  • An academic model that encompasses both experiential and practical learning methodologies
  • A team of faculty members who are leading the way in a diverse range of health professions
  • Partnerships with leading companies and institutions in the healthcare sector
  • Cutting-edge technology

What makes us unique is our one-of-a-kind, innovative academic model which empowers students, allowing them to take control of their studies and experience the latest technologies and teaching methods, such as simulations and research-based learning.

We set a benchmark for excellence in educating the next generation of healthcare professionals through preclinical, clinical, and in-company practical learning opportunities. We have a faculty made up of highly qualified professionals and our spaces are all adapted to the educational needs of our students.

We train the next generation of professionals who are highly regarded thanks to their first-rate knowledge, skills, and values. Upon graduating, our students are highly employable and fully equipped to provide integrated health care and services in a global environment.