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Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte

Faculty of Physical Activity & Sport Science in Madrid

Olympism is a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example, social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.

Olympic Studies and Research Centre


Since its creation, the Olympic Studies and Research Centre of the European University of Madrid (CEIO-UEM) has been promoting knowledge of the Olympic legacy and its values through education, research, dissemination and social commitment actions.

The Centre's mission is to contribute to the development of society through the study and dissemination of the Olympic legacy and values.


The CEIO-UEM promotes the Olympic values of effort, friendship, peace, solidarity and fair play, as well as the educational mission of sport and respect for human rights.

Strategic lines of action




The centre's educational mision is embodied in the integration of knowledge about the Olympic Movement in the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes of the Faculty of Sport Sciences of the UEM, together with the organisation of conferences, seminars, and activities to disseminate the Olympic legacy among our students.

The CEIO-UEM incorporates knowledge about the Olympic Movement in the educational following courses of the Faculty of Sport Sciences:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences
    • History and Theory of Sport
    • Sociology and Deontology of Physical Activity and Sport
    • Sport’s Law
  • Sports management degree
    • History of Contemporary Sport
    • Sociology and Deontology of Physical Activity and Sport
  • Sports Law Master degree
    • Sport Private Institutions



Through the work of the Society, Sport and Olympic Games research group, the centre collaborates in the advancement of knowledge in strategic areas of the development of contemporary sport and Olympism through the development of research projects, the publication of results and collaboration with the international academic community in research areas such as gender equality, athlete safety and wellbeing, and anti-doping policy.

Specifically, the CEIO-UEM develops, through the Sport, Society and Olympic Games research group, several areas of research related to the Olympic movement:

  • Dual careers
    • IOC pre-doctoral grant in 2017 for the project ‘Dual Career in High Level Spanish Athletes: facilities and difficulties for their process of socio-labor integration after retirement’.
  • Anti-Doping Education
    • WADA funded project in 2019 ‘Evaluation of AEPSAD's Educational Interventions among Elite Athletes, Coaches and Sports Sciences Students’.
  • History of sport
    • Research project in the history of Olympism.



The centre is committed to the dissemination of knowledge generated from research, as well as the organisation of open events aimed at the general public to raise awareness of the Olympic legacy.

The CEIO-UEM develops activities to bring Olympism closer to UEM students and the general public:

  • 2023

Spain 365 days ahead of the Paris Olympics.

Social commitment

Social commitment


The Centre wants its scientific and educational activities to be of social benefit, collaborating in the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically access to health and wellbeing through sport (SDG 3), gender equality in sport (SDG 5) and the development of sustainable cities and communities through sport (SDG 11). It also offers its experience and knowledge to society to collaborate in projects that contribute to these goals.


The Olympic Studies and Research Centre of the Universidad Europea de Madrid was created in 2012, and its first director was Professor Jesús Oliván. In 2018, following the creation of the Sport, Society and Olympic Games research group, Professor Juan Antonio Simón became its director. Finally, in 2022, under the guidance of the Faculty Dean Simone Sato, the CEIO-UEM signed a new collaboration agreement with the Spanish Olympic Committee (COE), and Professor Carlos García, principal investigator of the research group, became its director.

Since its creation, the CEIO-UEM has worked on dissemination, education, and research in the Olympic movement, with studies on the dual careers of athletes, anti-doping education and the history of Olympism.


The Olympic Studies and Research Centre is coordinated by the Sport, Society and Olympic Games research group, which brings together researchers in social sciences and humanities from the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. Since 2022 the centre is directed by Dr. Carlos García, principal investigator of the group.

In addition, the CEIO-UEM is part of the network of Spanish CEIOs coordinated by the Spanish Olympic Academy chaired by Mr. Raúl Chapado.

The Olympic Study and Research Centres

What are the Olympic Studies and Research Centres?

The Olympic Studies and Research Centres (OSRCs) are academic entities committed to research, education, and the dissemination of the Olympic legacy. As such, they emerge from universities and their work is recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). They contribute to the development of research and are also the link between the IOC and the academic community, as well as contributing to the dissemination of knowledge about the Olympic Movement and Olympism.

The Olympic Studies and Research Centres in the world

Today, the network of OSRCs is composed of more than 50 centres on five continents that collaborate in the dissemination of knowledge about the Olympic Movement and Olympic values through their coordination with the IOC's Olympic Studies Centre, their national Olympic academies and with sports bodies and public institutions.