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Facultad de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte

Faculty of Physical Activity & Sport Science in Madrid

Students learn with an experiential methodology. From the first course they work in simulated environments with a practical, integrative approach that incorporates the latest technologies in the field of sport and health and professional practices in real environments of their future profession.


The School of Exercise and Sport Sciences is committed to keeping research at the heart of our students’ studies. Research is undeniably needed to help us understand the demands of today’s society, and it plays an important role in our University’s development.

Alejandro Lucía and Javier Salvador, two of our researchers, received first and second prize respectively at the 2019 Sports Medicine awards.

Research Groups

Exercise and Health – Research Group
  • Alejandro Lucía Mulas (PI)
  • Cecilia Castanedo Rincón. Contracted Pre-doctoral Researcher
  • Alba María Herrera Olivares. Contracted Pre-doctoral Researcher
  • Lidia Brea Alejo. Post-doctoral Research Professor at Universidad Europea de Madrid (30% reduction)
  • Elena Santana Sosa. Post-doctoral Research Professor at Universidad Europea de Madrid
  • Antonia María Aguilar Moreno. Lab Technician
  • Pedro L. Valenzuela. Junior Postdoctoral Researcher
  1. Exercise and Paediatric/Adolescent Cancer
  2. Exercise and Ageing
  3. Cardiovascular Adaptations to Exercise and Cardiovascular Risk Factors

PI Contact

Alejandro Lucía Mulas

Full Tenured Professor & Senior Researcher

Department/Unit: Research and Doctorate School

    Physiotherapy in Motion – Research Group
    • Carlos Romero. Postdoctorate (PI)
    • María Bravo. Postdoctorate
    • María Blanco. Postdoctorate
    • Jaime Almazán. Postdoctorate
    • Beatriz Ruiz. Postdoctorate
    • Marta San Antolín. Postdoctorate
    • Vanesa Abuín. Postdoctorate
    • Raquel Díaz-Meco Conde. Postdoctorate
    • Charles Cotteret. Predoctorate
    • Ángel González. Predoctorate
    • Rubén Sánchez. Postdoctorate
    1. Manual Therapy in the Neuromusculoskeletal System
    2. Musculoskeletal Ultrasounds
    3. Rehabilitation and Health

    PI Contact

    Carlos Romero Morales

    Full professor

    Department/Unit: Department of Physiotherapy

      Cycling Health and Performance – Research Group
      • David Barranco Gil. Professor (PI)
      • Jaime Gil Cabrera. Professor
      • Almudena Montalvo. Professor
      • Carlos Barbado Villaba. Professor
      • Susana Moral González. Professor
      1. Determinants of Cycling Performance
      2. Validation of Tools

      PI Contact

      David Barranco Gil


      Department/Unit: Sport Sciences

        Exercise Physiology and Nutrition – Research Group
        • Helios Pareja Galeano (PI)

        Internal collaborators

        • Rosa Bielsa Hierro. Professor. Postdoctorate
        • Néstor Vallecillo Hernández. Professor. Postdoctorate
        • María Martínez Ferrán. Predoctorate
        • Sergio López López. Professor. Postdoctorate

        External Collaborators

        • Sergio L. Jiménez Sáiz. Professor. Postdoctorate
        • Fabián Sanchis Gomar. Professor. Postdoctorate
        • David Martínez Gómez. Professor. Postdoctorate
        1. Exercise for Health and Associated Biomarkers
        2. Biomarkers of Health and Longevity
        3. Training and Nutrition for Sports Performance and Associated Biomarkers

        PI Conctact

        Helios Pareja Galeano

        Professor and director of the Master's Degree in Sports Training and Nutrition (Real Madrid School - Universidad Europea).

        Departament/Unity: Sport Science

          Sports Management – Research Group
          • José Luis Felipe. Senior Researcher (PI)
          • Javier Sánchez Sánchez. Senior Researcher
          • Álvaro Fernández Luna. Junior Researcher
          • Pablo Burillo
          • David Viejo
          • Nicolas de la Plata
          • Carolina López
          • Daniel Frías
          • Jorge García Unanue External, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
          1. Comprehensive Analysis of Sports Facilities and Services
          2. Sports Economics
          3. Sports Law

          PI Contact

          José Luis Felipe Hernández

          Full professor. Senior researcher

          Department/Unit: Research and Doctorate School

            Society, Sport and Olympic Games – Research Group

            • Juan Antonio Simón Sanjurjo (Exercise & Sport Sciences) (PI)
            • Eva Asensio Castañeda (Exercise & Sport Sciences). Professor
            • Rubén Moreno Castellanos (Exercise & Sport Sciences). Professor
            • Jonathan Andrés Ospina Betancurt (Exercise & Sport Sciences). Professor
            • Rafael Manuel Navarro Barragán (Exercise & Sport Sciences). Professor
            • Noelia Belando Pedreño (Exercise & Sport Sciences). Professor
            • Carlos García Martí (Exercise & Sport Sciences). Professor
            • José María López Chamorro (Exercise & Sport Sciences). Professor
            • Bruno Avelar Rosa (Universidade Europeia, Portugal). External
            • Fernando Ampudia De Haro (Universidade Europeia, Portugal). External
            • Daniele Serapiglia (Universidade Nova De Lisboa). External
            • Raúl Sánchez García (INEF). External

            1. Sports Sociology
            2. History of Sport, Olympism and Olympic Games
            3. Psychosocial Aspects in Sport and Exercise

            PI Contact

            Juan Antonio Simón Sanjurjo

            Full professor

            Departament/Unity: Sport Science

              Physical Therapy and Health Sciences – Research Group

              • Leticia Martínez Caro. Professor (PI)
              • Mónica de la Cueva Reguera. Professor
              • Mónica García Mateos. Professor
              • Cecilia Estrada Barranco. Professor
              • Marina Castel Sánchez. Professor
              • María José Giménez. Mestre Professor
              • Pablo César García Sánchez. Professor
              • Ismael Sanz Esteban. Professor
              • Alberto Bermejo Franco. Professor
              • Javier López Ruiz. Professor and PhD Student
              1. Validation of Measuring Instruments Used in Clinical Practice
              2. Analysis of Neurological and Urogynecological Pathologies: Characteristics and Physiotherapeutic Treatment
              3. Competency Training in Skills and Clinical Reasoning in Health Sciences

              PI Contact

              Leticia Martínez Caro

              Department of Physiotherapy

              Department/Unit: Department of Physiotherapy

                Exercise, Health, and Applied Biomarkers – Research Group
                • Margarita Pérez Ruiz, Full Tenured Professor of Exercise Physiology, Medical Specialist in Sports Medicine at UE (PI)
                • Catalina Santiago, Full Professor, School of Physiotherapy
                • Thomas Yvert, Associate Professor, School of Physiotherapy
                • Luis Miguel López Mojares, Associate Professor of Physiology, School of Exercise, Sport, and Physiotherapy, UE
                • Silvia Burgos Postigo, School of Exercise, Sport, and Physiotherapy, UE
                • Itziar Pagola, Vice Dean of Undergraduate Studies in the School of Exercise, Sport, and Physiotherapy, UE
                • Olga Barceló, Full Professor of Biomechanics, School of Exercise & Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy
                • Ignacio Diez Vega, Full Professor, School of Exercise & Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy


                • Lara Sanchez, Full Professor at the School of Nursing and Physiotherapy, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
                • Julio Rubén Padilla (PhD in Exercise and Sport Sciences)
                • Maria Fernandez del Valle (PhD in Exercise and Health Sciences), University of Illinois


                • Márcio Vinícius F. Donadio Postdoc Professor – Escola de Ciências da Saúde – Curso de Fisioterapia Programa de Pós-Graduação em Pediatria e Saúde da Criança Laboratório de Atividade Física em Pediatría – Centro Infant Pontifícia Universidade católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)

                Predoctorate and Master's Students

                • Patricia Vázquez (Physiotherapist), thesis Defended in 2020
                • Paula G. Vela (Architect), thesis defended in 2021
                • Tamara Iturriaga (Exercise and Sport Sciences), thesis defended in 2020, awarded the Postdoctorate Banco Santander Cantera Scholarship
                • Isabel Sanchez (Exercise and Sport Sciences)
                • Verónica Sanz (Pediatrician), thesis defended in 2021
                • Fernando Cobo (Exercise and Sport Sciences), thesis defended in 2021
                • Lucilla Garcia, thesis defended in 2021-22
                • Guillermo Garcia Perez, now commencing group thesis project

                Joined in 2021

                • Alicia Sosa, enrolled in her 1st year of her PhD in Biomedicine as part of the Banco Santander Cantera Scholarship
                • Predoctoral Banco Santander Scholars for 2021
                • Fernanda Salazar

                Undergraduate Students

                • Tiffany Lim
                • Gurvan Botin, Banco Santander Cantera Research Scholar

                Master’s Students Taking on their End-of-Year Projects:

                • Jesus Estévez (2019-2020), end-of-year project defended in 2020
                1. Use of Exercise in Chronic Pathologies in Children and Adults
                2. Lifestyle Assessment Tool for Disease Prevention and Promotion of Health
                3. Analysis of Emerging Biomarkers to Determine the Prognosis and Evolution of Diseases

                PI Contact

                Margarita Pérez Ruiz

                Full Tenured Professor, Exercise Physiology

                Department/Unit: School of Exercise and Sport Sciences and Physiotherapy

                  Applied Psychophysiology – Research Group

                  • Vicente Javier Clemente Suárez (PI)
                  • Valentín Emilio Fernandez Elías. Professor
                  • Ana Beltran Velasco. Professor
                  • Joaquin Sanchez Molina. Professor
                  • Pedro Belinchón de Miguel. Professor
                  • Susana David Fernandez. Professor
                  • Pablo Ruisoto Palomera. External
                  • Beatriz Martínez Pascual. Professor
                  • Ana Ramírez Adrados. Professor
                  • Silvia Fernández Martínez. Professor

                  1. Psychophysiological Response in Combat Multidisciplinary Operational Applications
                  2. Multidisciplinary Analysis of Mountain-Based Ultra-Resistance Tests
                  3. New Sports Training Models
                  4. Analysing the Process in which We Acquire Therapeutic Skills and Related Psychophysiological Attributes in a Simulated Therapeutic Environment
                  5. COVID-19

                  Contacto Investigador Principal

                  Vicente Javier Clemente Suárez

                  Profesor Titular

                  Departamento/Unidad: Ciencias del Deporte

                    Musculoskeletal Pain and Motor Control – Research Group

                    • José Luis Alonso (PI)
                    • Alexandra Alonso. Professor
                    • Andrés Quevedo. Professor
                    • Iván Ruiz. Professor
                    • Josué Fernandez Carnero. External Professor
                    • Sebastián Martín. Professor
                    • Alberto Carlos Muñoz. Fernández Professor
                    • Carlos Barragán Carballar. Professor

                    1. Manual Therapy for Cervicocraneomandibular Dysfunctions
                    2. Manual Therapy for Lumbopelvic Dysfunctions
                    3. Manual Therapy for Upper Limb Dysfunctions
                    4. Manual Therapy for Lower Limb Dysfunctions
                    5. A Study of the Effect of Placebos on Chronic Pain Caused by Musculoskeletal Disorders
                    6. Effects of Invasive Ultrasound-Guided Physiotherapy on Painful Musculoskeletal Disorders
                    7. Effects of Motor Imagery and Transcranial Electrostimulation in Patients with Chronic Pain
                    8. Evaluation of the Effects and Physiotherapeutic Treatments of Patients Affected by COVID-19

                    PI Contact

                    Jose Luis Alonso Pérez

                    Master’s in Orthopaedic Manual Therapy in Pain Treatment, Universidad Europea de Madrid

                    Department/Unit: Department of Physiotherapy

                      Women & Health – Research Group
                      • Ester Cerezo Téllez (PI)
                      • Ángela Río González
                      • Esther Delgado Pérez
                      • Laura González Fernandez
                      • Mónica de la Cueva Reguera
                      • Elisa García García
                      1. Women and Health
                      2. Oncology
                      3. The Study, Approach and Treatment of Pain
                      4. Cardiovascular and Lymphatic System
                      5. Physiotherapy

                      PI Contact

                      Ester Cerezo Téllez

                      Professor, Bachelor’s in Physiotherapy

                      Department/Unit: Department of Physiotherapy

                        Therapeutic Exercise and Functional Rehabilitation – Research Group
                        • Jose Ángel Del Blanco Muñiz (PI)
                        • Guillermo García Pérez de Sevilla
                        • Diego Domínguez Balmaseda
                        • Daniel Martín Vera
                        • Ángel González De La Flor
                        • Alberto Sanchez Sierra

                        Internal Collaborators

                        • Sebastián Eustaquio Martín Pérez (Universidad Europea Canarias)
                        1. Therapeutic Exercise and Pain
                        2. Functional Rehabilitation and COVID-19 Patients
                        3. Therapeutic Exercise and the Elderly

                        PI Contact

                        Jose Angel Del Blanco Muñiz


                        Department/Unit: Department of Physiotherapy

                          Evaluation and Optimisation of Sports Performance (Universidad Europea Canarias) – Research Group
                          • Fernando Jesús Hernández-Abad de la Cruz (PI)
                          • David Funes Pol
                          • Jorge Miguel González Hernández
                          • Carlos Antonio Calzadilla González
                          • Noemí Martínez Martínez
                          • José Carlos del Castillo Rodríguez

                          Internal Collaborators

                          • María Cadenas Borges
                          • Pedro José Madrigal Márquez

                          External Collaborators

                          • Alfredo Santalla Hernández (UPO)
                          • Pedro Jiménez Reyes (URJC)

                          1. Biomechanics and Energy Efficiency
                          2. The Effects of Different Strength Training Settings
                          3. Rotational Dynamic Stability and Vector Diversification

                          PI Contact

                          Fernando Jesús Hernández-Abad de la Cruz

                          Associate Professor

                          Department/Unit: School of Exercise and Sport Sciences