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One more step towards defending equality by signing the Diversity Charter

29 mar 2017

The Universidad Europea has adhered to the Diversity Charter, which is promoted in Spain by the Diversity Foundation and has already been signed by over 800 companies. By adhering to the charter, the Universidad Europea takes another step in its commitment to diversity as it undertakes to abide by the principles of this declaration.

With this signing, the Universidad Europea takes another step towards integrating diversity at our institution, a boost for all those initiatives designed to promote quality opportunities and non-discrimination, said José María Palomares, Communication and Institutional Relations Director at the Universidad Europea.

The Diversity Charter can be signed voluntarily by organizations wishing to promote their commitment to the fundamental principles of equality, respecting the right of all people to be included in the workplace and in society in general, regardless of their diverse profiles; and to recognizing the benefits of cultural, demographic and social diversity.

The entities adhered to this charter are also committed to implementing specific policies to favor a work environment free of prejudice regarding employment, training and promotion; as well as fostering non-discrimination programs geared towards disadvantaged groups.