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Universidad Europea professor takes a research trip to Nepal

27 sep 2016

The Universidad Europea has funded the international research trip of Basic Biomedical and Health Science department professor, Francisco Suárez, at Kathmandu University in Nepal. Professor Suárez has been in the country since July 2 to research the perception of the human body in meditation.

After successfully meeting the Ethical Committee in Kathmandu and receiving support from the Biomedical Excellence Center, as well as funding from the Universidad Europea, Professor Suárez will be in the capital of Nepal until late November to work with local teachers on studies to analyze how meditation techniques affect how the human body behaves. Suárez stated that “we hope to find a greater response in reflexes, but in science the hypothesis is formulated in reverse (null). Therefore, we don’t expect to find any changes, and we design experiments to reject or have no alternative than to accept that hypothesis”.

To date, Professor Suárez has been delighted to enjoy this international experience and be able to discover a country like Nepal first-hand. “In terms of the University, I was surprised by the few classes given by professors. They work with small lecture-based classes and that reminds me greatly of Anglo-Saxon universities that allow professors to have time to study or research, albeit with very few means”, he stressed.

As for the host country, Suárez mentioned that “what struck me most during the first days: the streets and the traffic”. However, the Universidad Europea professor also wanted to highlight that “it seems incredible that two such different cultures can have such similar ways of behaving: the sense of humor, for example, is very similar to in Spain, though it’s hard to believe”.