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Universidad Europea joins the #NoHayLímites campaign to mark World Disability Day

03 dec 2017

To mark World Disability Day, the Adecco Foundation has launched a new awareness-raising campaign called #NoHayLímites (No Limits), which aims to fight against labor exclusion among people with disabilities and the prejudices surrounding it. Universidad Europea, one of the collaborating institutions, welcomed this initiative and is showing its full support by making this issue visible among its university community.

This year’s campaign stars Juan Manuel Montilla, also known as ‘El Langui.’ The multifaceted artist puts himself in the place of a person on their first day at the office, reflecting the looks of rejection, comments and other discriminatory attitudes he observes over his working day. As explained by the actor who plays the “good vibes consultant”, "people with disabilities are aware of our difficulties, dont add to them with your prejudices.I didnt choose to have a disability, I just do. Im no better or worse than anyone, but luckily Ive been able to prove my talent and make a living from it”, added the artist.

On November 13, Universidad Europea signed a framework collaboration agreement with the Adecco Foundation. The agreement aims to promote a Diversity Plan to consolidate a diversity management project, with activities that influence and reinforce strategies such as designing strategic policies and plans on Diversity and Inclusion, developing social and labor inclusion  programs, and desensitization and awareness campaigns and initiatives. Our support for this campaign and the alliance, based on the strategic Corporate Social Responsibility framework and our Here for Good commitment, is one of the various diverse actions implemented by Universidad Europea such as the Leaders for Change 2017 initiative, which focused on diversity and effective inclusion.