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Universidad Europea de Valencia participates in the 2nd Edition of 'Mestrechef'

07 jul 2016

Five Master's Program Directors from Universidad Europea de Valencia participated in the 2nd edition of “Mestrechef”, a culinary networking day organized by the Valencian Institute for the Study of Family Businesses (IVEFA) and held at Masía Campo Aníbal.

This year's “Mestrechef,” aimed at managers of Valencian family businesses, consisted of preparing four recipes for Peruvian food in teams. Universidad Europea de Valencia actively collaborated in organizing and running the session with a team including Graduate Director Rosa Sanchidrián; Executive MBA + Top Management Director Bruno Broseta; Master in Retail and Managing Customer Experience Director Manuel Zaplanza; and Master in Professional Logistics Director Ignacio Monserrat.

All of them, along with the rest of the participants, demonstrated strategic capabilities, a gift for communication, efficiency, smart use of scarce resources and teamwork: skills that are included in management training.