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Universidad Europea and UNICEF committed to the protection of children's rights and an inclusive, quality education

27 jun 2017

On June 23, Universidad Europea and UNICEF’s Spanish Committee signed the first strategic collaboration alliance in the Spanish university field to jointly develop actions designed to protect the rights of children and young people. Under this collaboration agreement UE and UNICEF will promote the creation of the first Youth and Social Entrepreneurship Observatory focusing on youth entrepreneurship, access to education, education for health, health, youth and childhood, and inclusion and diversity.

The agreement will allow us to establish a space for cooperation and collaboration between the institutions, where Universidad Europea is committed to helping raise awareness among its university community, and make an annual donation to support projects implemented by UNICEF’s Spanish Committee. There are also plans to launch an annual campaign to encourage students and professors to make voluntary donations via a specific website.


According to Conrado Briceño, general manager of the Universidad Europea, the allegiance with UNICEF “is a milestone for the entire university sector in Spain.” Briceño stressed the importance of signing an agreement “with an organization that shares the same global vision, a key aspect in our Social Responsibility strategy, and which commits us to dedicating our efforts to training the leaders of tomorrow so that they can contribute to social progress. Carmelo Angulo, Chairman of UNICEF’s Spanish Committee, highlighted the support of Universidad Europea as a “vital support for protecting the rights of childhood and guaranteeing an inclusive, quality education for all the children in the world.