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Universidad Europea and the Adecco Foundation working for #EmpleoParaTodas (Employment for All Women)

08 mar 2017

To mark International Womens Day, the Adecco Foundation has once again launched the awareness campaign #EmpleoParaTodas, which institutions such as Universidad Europea have been eager to support, joining in the need to demand equal working conditions for men and women.

Under the slogan “Dont give gender. Give talent”, Adecco Foundation has highlighted the obstacles and the lack of diversity, equality and integration in the job market for women at risk of social exclusion due to their age, family structure, disability or because they are victims of gender violence.

For this edition, Adecco Foundation set the question “If its the 21st century, why do we still have 17th century prejudices?” to raise public awareness of the need to continue promoting effective equality between men and women in the workplace, where the historical and cultural prejudices portrayed by Adecco Foundation in its awareness video are still evident.

Universidad Europea, a collaborating institution, joins the campaign and assumes the responsibility and challenge set by the United Nations, to fight alongside the Adecco Foundation against prejudices towards women, and encourage companies to value the skills of all people equally. According to the 4th #EmpleoParaTodas Report, 1.4 million Spanish working-age women at risk of social exclusion hope to improve their lives by finding a job. In this way, supporting this campaign will contribute to diversity and equal opportunities on the job market.