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There will be a new edition of the Universidad Europea’s MOOC on Advanced Endodontics in September

12 aug 2016

The Universidad Europea will launch a new edition of its MOOC on Advanced Endodontics on September 12. The course, intended both for professionals and students of dentistry, dental hygiene or auxiliary disciplines interested in learning about the specialty of Endodontics, was a success in earlier editions.

Endodontics is one of the Dentistry specialties where most progress has been made in recent years, leading to more predictable treatment of ducts. This MOOC shows the latest advances in every stage of endodontic treatment.

Over 3,000 people signed up for the first edition of this free virtual course. This MOOC offers students the opportunity to update their knowledge or make their first contact with one of the dentistry specialties which has advanced the most in recent years. Students will be introduced to new diagnostic, instrumentation, irrigation and obturation techniques in endodontic treatment, and will be able to apply them from day one in clinical practice.

The MOOC lasts six weeks and is divided into six modules: Diagnostics in Endodontics, Access cavity preparation and isolation of the operating area, Instrumentation I, Instrumentation II, Irrigation, and Obturation and final concepts of the course.