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The Universidad Europea literary journal organizes the 2nd UEM Literary Competition

26 oct 2016

The Universidad Europea literary and thought journal, Hambre, has announced a new edition of the UE Hambre Literary Competition. After the success of the first edition of the awards in May, the journal wanted to organize a new edition to awaken and develop literature among students, professors and staff at the Universidad Europea, as well as external staff.

The main objective is to give more visibility to literature and encourage literary creation. The awards will consist of a first, second and third prize for each of the announced categories: Poetry, Short story/Narrative/Microstory, Thought piece and Essay. The topic of each piece submitted is free-choice. All pieces must be submitted in Spanish and be original, unpublished works. The projects must be sent in Word format and the deadline for submitting work is January 30, 2017. The result of the competition will be published during the last week in March on the literary journal website.

The works submitted will be assessed and selected by the members of the Editorial Board of the Literary Journal, “Hambre”. “Hambre” is a journal featuring creative writing, thought pieces and critiques that was founded in November 2011 and features work from professors and students of the Universidad Europea de Madrid. It is a non-profit, independent virtual space where anyone with artistic concerns and something to say may do so with freedom and respect. For more information, send an email to: hambre@revistaliterariauem.es.