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“The school gives you the opportunity to learn from the best and to aspire to be the best professional in the sector”

09 mar 2017

​Tomás Manzano finished his master degree in Sports Law last July 2016. His time in the School was decisive for his career, and now he’s telling us how his experience was, and how he’s facing his professional career.  


  • Why did you decide to study at the Real Madrid Graduate School – Universidad Europea?

There are several reasons why I chose the Real Madrid Graduate School – Universidad Europea. I have to highlight the excellent education and the various elements that the programme include and that make it different from any other, like the amazing professor faculty  and the collaboration with the best brands in the market. The School gives you the opportunity to learn from the best, in order to aspire to be the best.


  • Are you satisfied with your decision? What has it meant to you to study here?

Of course I am fully satisfied. It was one of the most important  phases of my personal and professional life and I managed to be part of an international and innovative institution. The Real Madrid Graduate School-Universidad Europea helped me to reach objectives only possible for a few people in order to achieve your full potential.


  • You have a law degree. Why did you then choose to study the master in Sports Law?

Since I first started studying law, I knew that sooner or later I wanted to specialised in sports law. What would be better than mixing my two passions, sports and law, into one? I chose the Sports Master Degree as it offers a very specialised education in sports law, and it focuses on teaching the professional the most important and relevant areas and topics, learning about things that go far beyond only sports, but always fitting within the world of sports. It was just what I needed to reach my dream of being a sports professional.


  • Can you tell us about your experience at Real Madrid FC?


My experience at the Legal Advice services at Real Madrid FC was great. Without a doubt it was a great opportunity to apply the knowledge I acquired at the Real Madrid Graduate School – Unviersidad Europea. As a Real Madrid supporter, it was proud moment and a dream come true to be able to be part of the team and have learned and worked with the best professionals in the sports sector. I will always be grateful to the Real Madrid Graduate School – Universidad Europea  and to all the Legal Advice services at Real Madrid for making this experience possible.


  • How has the School help you to develop your career?

The school has opened doors to me, helping me to achieve my goals.


  • What’s your current situation? What are your future plans?

Nowadays I’m still  educating myself in law, acquiring all the required capacities to be a lawyer. Also, every time I get a chance, I try to be active and attend all the events and talks related to sports law. My future expectations are high, but I always keep in my mind my main objective which is to continue growing as a professional and as a person. I will shortly be able to start a new adventure in a multidisciplinary law firm that will help me to apply my knowledge in all law fields.  

  • A tip to the current students at the School

I encourage them to make the most of every single opportunity that the school might bring them. The course flies by and it is very important to make the most of it from the very first day until the last day. The effort is totally worth it and I am confident that they will end up with great memories of their time at the School.