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The JES Program celebrates Social Entrepreneurship Week

27 sep 2017

Each year, the Universidad Europea Young Social Entrepreneurs Awards (JES) recognize ten social or environmental projects aimed at social change and protecting the environment. The ninth edition of the JES Program is also celebrating Social Entrepreneurship Week, which will take place from October 2 to 9 at the Universidad Europea’s two campuses in the Autonomous Community of Madrid.  The main highlights of Social Entrepreneurship Week includethree key events: the awards ceremony on October 4, the international meeting “Youth and Education, agents of social change”, on October 9, during which the ‘Global Youth Wellbeing Index’  will be presented, and "Stories of impact: international meeting with social entrepreneurs".

The JES awards ceremony, during which the winning project will be announced for the Special Panel Award, will be held at the Alcobendas campus and attended by scientist and social entrepreneur Pilar Mateo.

It will also be the first time that the international of the Laureate Global Fellowsprogram meeting will take place in Spain —this year under the name“Youth and Education, agents of social change”—, on October 9 at the Villaviciosa de Odón campus. The event will be attended by Francisco Polo, a social entrepreneur, winner at the 3rd JES Awards and federal secretary for entrepreneurship, science and innovation of the PSOEpolitical party, Antonio Garamendi, President of CEPYME and Vice-President of CEOE, as well as 20 young people from countries such as Argentina, Poland, India, the United States, Lebanon, Australia and Kenya, who have been Laureate Global Fellows program award winners.