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The Formula UEM team takes part in the Formula Student competition

02 aug 2016

July 12 saw the start of the annual competition for polytechnics and engineering schools, known as Formula Student, on the track at Silverstone and with 80 student teams from various universities including the Universidad Europea, which was represented by the Formula UEM team created in 2008.

This year the team made its debut with improvements in its single-seater ‘FUEM 08’, which presented an innovative carbon fiber monocoque chassis, integrated bodywork and a completely new design, replacing the former tubular steel chassis. As well as the vehicle, Formula UEM had a new team structure, introducing the Static Events & Media area, specializing in sponsor relations, negotiating contracts, organizing the team and managing events.

Formula UEM participated for the first time in three competitions in the same season. After Silverstone, Universidad Europea students visited the Italian Riccardo Paletti circuit, and finally, Montmeló in Spain.

Through Formula Student, Universidad Europe hoped to bring its students, whether from engineering or the other areas forming the team, into contact with the professional world, to enhance their skills and apply the knowledge acquired during their academic training.