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Ten Universidad Europea students take part in a course on Bioethics at Yale University

10 aug 2016

In 2012 Universidad Europea and Yale University (Connecticut, USA) reached a collaboration agreement so that each summer a group of students from the former can travel to the United States to complete a course on Bioethics. This year ten Medicine students have taken part in the initiative. Specifically: José Mª Alonso, Laura Ibarra, Borja Cascán, Josu Aguado, Rocío Serrano, Inés López, Pablo Piedra, Casandra Edouard, Dina El-Haddad and Cecilia Gómez.

When asked about the experience, one of the students, José María Alonso, said that taking part in the Sherwin B. Nuland Summer Institute course has allowed him to “grow as a person, as a student and a future doctor”. He added: “At all the lectures, seminars, dialogs, debates, presentations, visits to different centers and other activities, we have been able to be with, talk to, work with, learn from and enjoy being with other students, professionals, professors and top-level speakers. In other words, the most important thing has been getting to know other people from all over the world, working on common issues and discovering a new way of learning”. 

Psychology Department professors Andrés Arriaga, who offered a seminar on ethics and mental health, defines this first edition of the course as “a success”.