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Success of the 3rd Real Madrid Graduate School Get Together tournament

28 nov 2017

The 3rd edition of the Real Madrid Graduate School Get Together tournament took place last Saturday. Once again, the students from the Real Madrid Graduate School – Universidad Europea enjoyed a day that is celebrated with the aim of encouraging good relationships between the students and also to remind them about the School Values: leadership, excellence, teamwork, entrepreneurism and integrity.

The students were divided into teams, each of them representing a school value, that were chosen randomly including former students and teachers. On top of the tournament, there were different football-related games that students highly enjoyed.

To finish this year’s event, Manolo Sanchís, former Captain of the Real Madrid team, was in charge of the awards ceremony handing the trophy to the winners, who ended up being the yellow team that represented entrepreneurism and leadership. “We have all created a link thanks to the sport that is our passion” said Alex Zussamen, one of the event organisers.

“This should be done more often, as there are people from some other masters that we otherwise don’t meet” said one of the students.

A great day where all the attendees agreed, the most important part is the great time and experience, and the new people you meet.