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Miriam Reyes, Alumni and #JESAwards, receives the 2017 Princess of Girona Foundation Social Award

31 mar 2017

On March 30, the Princess of Girona Foundation recognized Miriam Reyes, founder of NGO Aprendices Visuales (Visual Apprentices), for her work with children with autism and raising public awareness. The award ceremony, chaired by HM Queen Letizia at the headquarters of the El Hueco social entrepreneurial center, brought together entrepreneurs aged between 16 and 35 who stand out for their innovative projects.

Miriam Reyes is a former student of the Universidad Europea Master's in Communication and winner of the Young Social Entrepreneurs Awards. Miriam Reyes expressed her gratitude to the #JESAwards for the trust placed in Aprendices Visuales from the outset, helping to transform ideas into tools for social change.

She said, we have won 22 awards but the JES Awards are the only ones to have transformed us as people. They encourage us to keep going and here we are after five years of hard work”.  The Princess of Girona Foundation recognized the personal trajectory of the winner, focusing on solidarity and social impact, searching for equal opportunities and finding solutions in a field such as autism.

“For us, these awards are the perfect platform to make autism more visible. As well as developing tools and stories for children with autism, we work on raising public awareness because we believe that if society knows more about autism it will favor these children’s development, highlighted the award winner. The finalists of the 2017 Princess of Girona Foundation Social Awards included various social entrepreneurs who have also won awards at previous editions of the JES Awards.