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Legal Collaboration Agreement between the Universidad Europea de Madrid and Brunete Council

25 jan 2017

The Universidad Europea de Madrid and Brunete Council have signed a collaboration agreement to offer NGOs and individuals with few economic resources living in the Madrid town access to legal services. With this agreement, the Legal Clinic, which belongs to the School of Social Sciences and Communication, will offer an initial analysis of legal issues for Brunete locals with scarce economic resources who, for many different reasons, cannot turn to the free legal services of Professional Associations.

The Universidad Europea de Madrid Legal Clinic is managed by Prof. Dr. Juan Manual Campo Cabal, in collaboration with professors from the university Law and International Relations Department, and bar attorneys who will coordinate the work of Law Degree students. Brunete Council Social Services Department will conduct an initial analysis of the suitability of the cases submitted, as well as the circumstances of applicants, guaranteeing the competence of the clinic and non-concurrence with state legal aid law. Cases will then be transferred to the Universidad Europea de Madrid, which will analyze and study each case.

The institutions have agreed that the advice provided by the Universidad Europea de Madrid Legal Clinic will mainly focus on civil, mercantile, labor and administrative law. Regarding criminal cases, it will conduct an initial analysis of the factual situation to enable the applicant to understand their situation and the possible measures they can take.

The students, coordinated by professors and practicing attorneys, will analyze each case and issue a non-binding legal report, which will be signed by the supervising external attorney.

This is the second collaboration agreement signed this Academic Year between the Universidad Europea de Madrid and Brunete Council, represented by its Mayor, Borja Gutiérrez, after the agreement signed in September to offer locals favorable conditions to access Universidad Europea de Madrid degree programs. These agreements underline the commitment of both institutions to strengthen ties for the benefit of residents in the municipality of Brunete.