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Laureate Global Fellowship is looking for another 20 young world leaders and innovators

14 feb 2018


Laureate International Universities has launched a new edition of its scholarship programLaureate Global Fellowship, in collaboration with International Youth Foundation. This pioneering social entrepreneurship program aims to recognize the commitment of 20 young persons who have led an initiative with a profound social impact on their local communities. These scholarships are aimed at empowering young persons and social projects which set an example for the global student community. The program thus boosts a new generation of world leaders. At the last edition, held in Madrid, Cristina Balbás, President of Escuelab and winner of the 9th Universidad Europea’s Young Social Entrepreneur Awards, represented Spain in the competition.

The program, which was launched in 2001, provides candidates with the chance to join a global network of young social entrepreneurs, having first passed a rigorous selection process including assessment by experts and representatives of global institutions. They will also benefit from a first-rate training program and access to networking opportunities with the more than 1,700 members from 90 countries currently making up the community. For this reason, Laureate trains 20 young persons in leadership and management skills, providing access to high-quality and extremely useful training resources for its social companies, as well as a boost for its projects via improved visibility and enterprise credibility. Training also includes online support and advice, as well as custom training. In addition to this, they are provided with access to global network, promotion and financing opportunities.

Hundreds of winning young leaders have continued to commit to their social projects, eventually discovering the power of joining a global community made up of similar people and ideas, helping them forge a fairer and more inclusive future. If you are a young person between 18 and 29 years old with a social enterprise initiative, you have until March 6 (inclusive) to enter. The selection will be announced on June 29 and the program will commence in October 2018 with the selected 20. Follow these instructions provided by Youth Action Net to send your entry. The scholarship takes care of arranging visas, administrative fees, travel, accommodation, food and local transportation. The basis and conditions of the program may be consulted here in English.