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José Antonio Marina takes part in the 11th Meeting for Education Sector Professionals at the Universidad Europea

02 nov 2016

On October 21, the Universidad Europea Villaviciosa de Odón Campus organized the 11th Meeting for Education Sector Professionals, which was attended by principals, guidance counselors, heads of study and professors from various educational institutions in Spain to share their experiences and debate on the current situation of the education sector.

The forum for debate, learning and networking was inaugurated by Miguel Carmelo, President of the Universidad Europea and CEO of Laureate International Universities Europe, with Universidad Europea de Madrid rector Isabel Fernández also taking part. The rector was entrusted with presenting the interdisciplinary model and keys to the LPA, the international certificate by the Universidad Europea, to the guests.

Philosopher, author and teacher José Antonio Marina was also at the session. During his speech entitled ‘Intelligence that learns’, the expert in education addressed the teaching techniques that are effective for managing learning, and his personal view of the challenges facing today’s education sector. Marina stressed that “universities must return to their essential teaching duty. We live in the society of learning and, therefore, it depends on what we teachers do; we must remember that our job is not to teach, it is to get students to learn”.