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Health and Welfare, the third SDG challenge for the global #COMPANIES4SDGs campaign

11 dec 2017

In November, the Universidad Europea joined the global  campaign called #COMPANIES4SDGs to promote the Sustainable Development Goals among the university community over the next twelve months. The campaign, which aims to foster sustainable habits and promote the 17 SDGs, began with the first two SDG challenges centered on bringing an end to poverty and 'zero hunger'. During December, students, professors, alumni and employees will focus on the third SDG challenge on Health and Welfare.

To achieve this third challenge, we will promote responsible consumption of medication and donate them whenever possible. The campaign will also encourage healthy lifestyle habits and taking care of your body. Another factor will be to remind us of the importance of helping those who need most health assistance, whether they are people we know or strangers.

The goal of the third SDG challenge is to ensure healthy living and promote the welfare of people of all ages. Other goals include raising awareness among participants on the need to bring an end to epidemics in deprived areas, reduce the global maternal mortality rate to less than 70 per 100,000 live births, eradicate the avoidable deaths of newborns and children under five, and gain international support forresearch and vaccine development activities.