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Fourth year degree students present their PBL project to the NGO Nuevo Futuro

23 dec 2016

Yesterday December 20, fourth year Universidad Europea de Canarias students from the subjects Entrepreneurial Workshop, Marketing Instruments and Multimedia Advertising Design presented four Project-Based Learning projects (ABP) to Alfonso Roque, the director in Tenerife of the NGO Nuevo Futuro.

The four projects presented were an ecohostel, a gastronomic tavern, a craft market and a dormitory for international students.

The projects were presented in detail in terms of their social, economic and professional viability. Nuevo Futuro will study these initiatives in depth to assess which of them can feasibly be applied.

The PBL learning method allows students to develop real projects that can be implemented, in which they must apply all the knowledge acquired during their education to the real market.