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Farewell of the students from Mexico and Ecuador

03 may 2017

Last Friday, the students from the Valle de México University and the ones from Universidad de Las Américas from Ecuador attended two talks given by the person responsible for International Sales and Sponsorship at Real Madrid F.C., Carlos Pérez. The International Sales Director, together with others from the department, shared the commercial structure of the football club and showed the basics of the commercial strategy and sponsorship, and a list of examples of how Real Madrid can help brands to reach their objectives.

Jorge de la Vega, the person responsible for sponsorship at Real Madrid in both the basketball and the football team talked about the actual sponsors (28 for the football team, and 8 for basketball). Adidas, Solán de Cabras, Microsoft and Audi being just a few examples of brands that work with the club.

He also explained the differences between the sponsorship activities from a few years ago when brands only showed their logos everywhere, compared to today's much more thorough approach. He also showed the future professionals several examples of campaigns that they have developed with a few brands.

Students also had the opportunity of asking a few questions and also to learn a bit more about marketing, sponsorship and sports, which was very relevant to them as they are studying International Sports Marketing (the students that came from Mexico) and Business and sports marketing in the case of the students that came from Ecuador.  

After the talk, Nuno Alves, Regional Director at the Real Madrid Graduate School – Universidad Europea delivered the diplomas to the students.

During these two intense weeks students have also visited the Real Madrid official Sports facilities in Valdebebas, the National Golf Centre, the Spanish Football Federation and they even met the representative of the Spartan Race in Spain.