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Excellent scientific level at the second Symposium of the Master’s Degree in Sports Training & Nutrition

08 apr 2019

Professors, students and training professionals have gathered at the Real Madrid Graduate School – Universidad Europea to attend this symposium in which some of the most relevant people of the sports nutrition and training have taken part. Jurdan Mendigutxia, Blanca Romero, Noelia Bonfanti, Javier Mallo, Jaime Sampaio and Ángel Aceña, are just a few of the speakers that raised the bar in this scientific conference during the two days of the event. It was a refreshing approach to some of the topics that are thoroughly discussed and taught in the master’s degree.

The event was opened by the school director, Mercedes Hernández Marrero, together with the Dean of the Faculty of Physical Activity and Sports faculty, Francisco López Varas, and the director of the Master’s Degree in Sports Training & Nutrition, Sergio Lorenzo Jiménez, who highlighted the strong scientific profile of the event and who encouraged all of the attendees in the auditorium to enjoy the experience and actively participate in it.

Many of the students and speakers gathered around the coffee shop in the hall, where they were able to discuss in a more relaxed way all the key areas uncovered in the symposium, as well as the details of a brand-new business, Khinn, a health and sports management company, that offered live biomechanic analysis. The event concluded with a glass of " La Mancha" Wine, who offered a tasting to all the sports training and nutrition master symposium attendees.