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Discover the keys to the next academic year

12 jul 2016

If you’re a student at Universidad Europea, you’ll start the upcoming 2016-2017 academic year with new and established initiatives at our academic institution, and they’ll play a key role in your educational development.

Blackboard will be your new Virtual Campus, which you can start using in September. This is a common Laureate platform so you’ll be able to share functions and content, and it will also give you opportunities for collaboration and communication with other students and professors at any institution in our worldwide network of universities. It will also foster your learning using social networks so you can connect with users all over the world. You’ll also be able to access educational resources anywhere, any time and from any device.

The Mentoring Program is an initiative for accompanying and guiding students that is already well-established at the University. For the upcoming academic year it will incorporate two new developments to better respond to your needs. If you’re a new student you will have a Welcome Mentor who will accompany and guide through on your first steps. And, throughout the rest of your studies you can choose if you want to continue with the Academic Mentor assigned to you or if you prefer to request Specialized Mentors from the different academic, professional, international, scientific and internship departments. If you’re already a Universidad Europea student you can go to the consultation enabled on the Virtual Campus to assess whether you need to continue with your current Mentor or use these Specialized Mentors when you have a specific query.

LPA is a pioneering certificate that endorses your skills profile at the end of your studies, the added value training experiences that you have undertaken -such as internships or international exchanges- as well as your participation in social responsibility projects and extracurricular activities. You will receive this certificate together with your transcript when you complete your studies. In this way you will have all the information on your academic career and skills profile in a single certificate, improving your employability and thus helping you successfully join the job market. This certificate was a pioneering project launched at our University in 2014. Its proven use in the job market led to Laureate International Universities to adopt it for all the students in the network.

If you’re a new Degree Program student or have transferred from a traditional Degree Program, the new English Plan is for you. Teaching in English at Universidad Europea is not limited to classes to complement your education; it is a gradual immersion throughout your studies with the English language forming part of your degree program. This means that you will have free English classes throughout your studies, as well as activities and sessions in English that are part of your degree program courses, so that you can also learn the specific language of your area of expertise. As of your second year (first year in some cases), one or two courses in your curriculum will be given fully in English and, as of your second/third year, you will have access to attractive destinations to study in another country or complete internships. All this to give you the level needed to successfully take the leap into the professional world.