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Call of Future coaches offer students advice on how to deal with the university entrance exam with confidence

09 jun 2016

The university entrance exam is here and that’s why figures such as Guillermo Myro, expert in mindfulness; Félix Esteire, Universidad Europea professor; Jose Morejón, expert in self-leadership; David Flokers, English professor at Universidad Europea; Christian Gálvez, TV presenter and author; and Diana Martín, Olympic athlete; recently visited the Universidad Europea Villaviciosa de Odón Campus to take part in a new edition of Call of Future.

As in previous years, the Universidad Europea launched this free program for 50 future university students selected from schools throughout Spain to spend four days immersed in preparations for the university entrance exam.

Over these four days, the different coaches who took part in the latest edition of Call of Future offered the students key guidelines on how to organize written discourse, focus their attention and concentrate better. For example, in this video-tip TV presenter Christian Gálvez offered the students advice on how to manage their time before and during exams.