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Advertising Communication students take part in the Seminar on the first year of the SDOs

06 oct 2016

As part of the Ethics and Legislation course taught by David Curbelo, second year Advertising Communication students from the Universidad Europea de Canarias, recently took part in the Seminar on the “First year of the SDOs. Guidelines for private sector action on SDOs in Santa Cruz”, held at the Royal Casino in Tenerife and organized by the Global Compact (Spanish Network) and MACG Asesores, of which David Curbelo is CEO.

For months these organizations have spread the word of the Sustainable Development Objectives (SDOs) as an opportunity for responsible organizations September 25 was the first anniversary of their approval. Thanks to the experience accumulated of 15 years of work and leadership from Spanish companies, this event celebrates the first year of the SDOs, highlighting alliances as a working method and including the SDOs in business strategies.

The photo shows the students with Javier Molero and Marta Tomás (Global Compact), Javier Dueñas (CSR Director at Cajamar), Mónica Mariscal (CSR Manager at Metro Madrid), and David Curbelo (MACG).