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A representative of the ITER demonstrates the AisoVol project at the University

19 dec 2016

Adal Pío Pérez, representing the Institute of Technology and Renewable Energy (ITER), told Architecture and Renewable Energy students at the Universidad Europea de Canarias about the AisoVol project, which is funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, alongside the  National Center for Renewable Energy (CENER).

This initiative, which is still at the first stage, is designed to publicize the new applications of photovoltaic panels in buildings, in order to replace solar glass or aluminum with lighter materials which can be adapted to different surfaces.

This new module will be developed applying new low-temperature lamination techniques and materials inspired by the technology for manufacturing sails, according to the researchers.

If executed, this project would enable substantial energy savings. In this initial phase they are informing architects and engineers about the project, and distributing questionnaires to get their opinions, which will be taken into account when making the first prototypes.

The new solar module in this project, which ITER will develop and manufacture, will use other materials with the same performance as glass.