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Grado en Ingeniería Civil en Madrid

Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering Madrid

First Spanish university to include Building Information Modeling (BIM) in its Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering.

Degree in Civil Engineering

The Degree in Civil Engineering at Universidad Europea is a four-year programme designed to train future civil engineers with a global, international, and innovative vision.

If you want to learn engineering and understand the various areas that make up civil engineering, then this degree, taught entirely in English, is a great option. You will learn from a faculty of leading experts in their field and cover topics such as surveying and topography, structural analysis, urban planning, and more.

The bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering in Madrid follows our academic model based on learning by doing, meaning you will spend time throughout your degree carrying out work placements and internships at leading firms in the sector.

Official degree issued by Universidad Europea de Madrid
Villaviciosa de Odón 4 Years, 240 ECTS
Start: September 2025
School of Architecture, Engineering and Design - Madrid

Why study for our Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering?


We have worked hard to give our new curriculum an international focus, so that students can learn and train at the highest level and develop their professional careers anywhere in the world. The international nature of the Universidad Europea means that the Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering is strongly oriented towards student development within a global, multicultural environment, preparing them to work in companies based here in Spain or in other countries, such as Peru, Colombia, the United Kingdom, Brazil and the United States.

Furthermore, the curriculum is designed to achieve the European seal of excellence in Engineering EUR-ACE and is also aligned with the requirements of the prestigious American ABET accreditation.

TOP facilities

To make the most of our innovative academic model, the Universidad Europea has the most advanced laboratories and simulation rooms, equipped with the most innovative technology.

Develop professional projects in the wind tunnel, in the Geology, Hydraulics, Materials and Soil Mechanics laboratory, and in the FABLab.

  • Testing and geotechnical lab
  • Fluids and hydraulics lab
  • Physics lab
  • Manual fabrication workshop
  • Wind tunnel
  • Industrial robotics, mechanical and additive manufacturing lab
  • Digital manufacturing laboratory (FABLab)
  • BIM room
  • Geology lab
  • IT systems labs
  • Dulce Chacón CRAI Library
  • University accommodation in Madrid
  • Sports centre
BIM methodology

We’re the first university to include BIM methodology in all subjects. This is a huge advantage for our students, because it means that they'll finish their bachelor's degree with additional knowledge and will be ready to work in any international company from the moment they graduate. This methodology is already being introduced in public organisations in Europe and will soon reach other continents.

Study plan

Master's Degree in Engineering of Roads, Canals and Ports

Round off your training with a Master's Degree in Engineering of Roads, Canals and Ports – we have the perfect academic curriculum to help you build a comprehensive professional profile and start your career at a different level.


The first university to include BIM methodology in technical subjects as part of the bachelor’s degree programme, training you work with the tools that you’ll be using during your professional career. You'll learn by carrying out project work and by taking on challenges in real companies that will familiarise you with the world of civil engineering from day one. You'll also visit different types of civil engineering works, control centres and accredited laboratories, and you'll go on an international trip to visit an especially interesting site each academic year. The curriculum trains future graduates in Specific Civil Construction Technology as set out in government order CIN/307/2009.

Offered in the current academic course


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Calculus I6BÁSICAInglés
Calculus II6BÁSICAInglés
Fundamentals of Applied Engineering Physics6BÁSICAInglés
Representation Systems and Computer-Assisted Design9BÁSICAInglés
Linear Algebra & Statistics6BÁSICAInglés
Structural Mechanics6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Chemistry of Materials6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Project Workshop: 3D BIM Modeling6BÁSICAInglés


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Mathematical Models in Engineering6BÁSICAInglés
Business Management6BÁSICAInglés
Fluid Physics and Hydraulics6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Surveying And Topographic Modeling3OBLIGATORIAInglés
Soil and Rock Mechanics6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Materials Strength6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Structural Analysis6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Project Workshop: Roads6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Computational Numerical Methods6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Transportation Infrastructure I6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Computer Science3BÁSICAInglés


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Concrete And Metal Structures6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Construction Machinery And Electrical Facilities6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Transportation Infrastructure II6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Land Use and Urban Planning6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Maritime and Port Engineering6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Project Workshop: Structures6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Building and Facilities6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Hydraulic and Energy Engineering6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Transportation Engineering Workshop6OBLIGATORIAInglés


MateriaECTSTipoIdioma de impartición
Safety and Health at Work6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Water Supply and Sanitation6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Management, Organization and Planning of Works and Projects6OBLIGATORIAInglés
History, Professional Issues and Deontology6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Professional Internships I6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Graduation Project12OBLIGATORIAInglés
Environmental Impact Assessment6OBLIGATORIAInglés
Elective subject6OPTATIVAInglés

Degree competences

Basic competences
  • BC1: Students have shown they have knowledge and understand topics in an area of study, building on the basis of general secondary education, usually found at a level which, while supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that involve knowledge at the forefront of the field of study.
  • BC2: Students know how to apply their knowledge to their work or vocation in a professional way, and have the competencies usually shown by creating and defending arguments and solving problems within the area of study.
  • BC3: Students are capable of gathering and interpreting relevant data (normally within their area of study) in order to make judgments that include thoughts on relevant social, scientific or ethical matters.
  • BC4: Students are able to convey information, ideas, problems and solutions to a specialist or non-specialist audience.
  • BC5: Students have developed the necessary learning skills to undertake further studies with a high degree of autonomy.
Cross-disciplinary competencies
  • CC1: Scientific and technical training for the Civil Engineer profession and knowledge of the functions of consulting, analysis, design, calculation, project, construction, maintenance, conservation and operation.
  • CC2: Understanding of the multiple technical and legal constraints that are involved in a public works construction process, and the ability to use proven methods and accredited technologies to achieve the greatest possible efficiency while, at the same time, respecting the environment and protecting the health and safety of workers and those who use the public work.
  • CC3: Ability to apply the necessary knowledge of mathematics, experimental sciences and engineering, as well as capacity for the designing and executing models and experiments, carrying out analysis and interpreting results.
  • CC4: Knowledge, understanding and the ability to apply the necessary legislation while working as a Public Works Technical Engineer.
  • CC5: Capacity to plan, inspect and manage works, within a remit.
  • CC6: Capacity to maintain and conserve hydraulic and energy resources, within a remit.
  • CC7: Ability to carry out studies on territorial planning and environmental considerations relating to infrastructures, within a remit.
  • CC8: Capacity for maintaining, conserving and exploiting infrastructures, within a remit.
  • CC9: Capacity to carry out studies and design surface or subterranean water catchments, within a remit.
  • CC10: Knowledge and capacity to apply business administration techniques and labour legislation.
  • CC11: Knowledge of the history of civil engineering and the ability to analyse and assess public works, in particular, and construction in general.
  • CC12: Understanding a civil engineer's social, ethical and professional responsibility, as well as the requirements and practice of the profession at an international level.
  • CC13: Knowledge of the need and capacity for ongoing learning throughout one’s career that will prepare students for future training in new methods, theories and technology, providing them with the versatility to adapt to new situations (self-learning).
  • CC14: Capacity to identify, frame and solve problems, both those for solving mathematical, scientific or engineering problems of varying complexity, and those that involve overcoming the frequent obstacles and unexpected issues that arise when practising the profession (problem-solving).
  • CC15: Capacity to communicate in their mother tongue (orally or in writing) and in a foreign language (preferably English) any concept or specification required during their career to both specialised and non-specialised audiences, including learning degree-specific vocabulary.
  • CC16: Capacity to work in multi-disciplinary, international and multicultural teams and to become part of a global labour market, providing the utmost efficiency on the basis of collaboration, assuming their role on the team, establishing good relationships and exchanging information (teamwork).
  • CC17: Knowledge of contemporary issues and an understanding of the impact of engineering solutions in a global economic, environmental and social context.
  • CC18: Capacity to use the current and emerging techniques, skills and tools necessary for professional practice.
  • CC19: Understanding and applying basic knowledge of management, business, public policy and leadership.
Specific competences
  • SC1: Capacity to solve mathematical problems that may arise in engineering. Aptitude for applying knowledge of linear algebra, geometry, differential geometry, differential and integral calculus, differential equations and partial derivatives, numerical methods, numerical algorithms, statistics and optimisation.
  • SC2: Capacity for spatial vision and knowledge of graphic representation techniques, both in traditional metric and descriptive geometry methods and in computer-assisted design.
  • SC3: Basic knowledge of the use and programming of computers, operating systems, databases and computer programs used in engineering.
  • SC4: Understanding and mastery of the basic concepts of the general laws of mechanics, thermodynamics, fields and waves and electromagnetism, as well as their application for solving engineering problems.
  • SC5: Basic geology and land morphology, as well as their application in engineering problems. Climatology.
  • SC6: Sufficient knowledge of the concepts, institutional and legal framework of business. Business organisation and management.
  • SC7: Knowledge of the surveying techniques essential for obtaining measurements, drawing up plans, establishing layouts, implementing defined geometries and controlling the movement of structures and earthworks.
  • SCE8: Theoretical and practical knowledge of the chemical, physical, mechanical and technological properties of the materials commonly used in construction.
  • SC9: Capacity to apply their knowledge of construction materials to structural systems. Knowledge of the relationship between the structure of materials and the mechanical properties derived from these.
  • SC10: Capacity to analyse and understand how the characteristics of structures influence their behaviour. Capacity to apply knowledge on robust functioning of structures to size them in accordance with existing regulations and using analytical and numeric calculation methods.
  • SC11: Knowledge of geotechnics and of soil and rock mechanics, as well as their application in the development of studies, projects, constructions and operations where earthworks, building foundations and retaining structures are required.
  • SC12: Knowledge of the basis for the behaviour of reinforced concrete structures and metal structures and the capacity to devise, project, build and maintain this type of structure.
  • SC13: Knowledge of the concepts and technical aspects relating to pressure and free-flow pipe systems.
  • SC14: Basic concepts of surface and underground hydrology.
  • SC15: Capacity to analyse health and safety issues at construction sites.
  • SC16: Fundamental knowledge of the electrical power system: power generation, transmission and distribution, as well as line conductor types. Knowledge of low and high voltage regulations.
  • SC17: Capacity to apply methodologies from environmental impact studies and assessments.
  • SC18: Construction procedures and machinery, as well as construction site organisation, measurement and assessment techniques.
  • SC19: Knowledge required for designing, planning, constructing and maintaining hydraulic sites and facilities, hydroelectric plants and power systems.
  • SC20: Planning and managing hydraulic resources and infrastructure.
  • SC21: Urban Development instruments, content and form of application. Knowledge of the concepts and techniques required for planning, designing and developing urban public space. Knowledge of land use planning and analysis. Capacity to plan, direct and manage urban and environmental services.
  • SC22: Planning and managing transport systems. Knowledge that enables the analysis of transportation infrastructure networks, their impact on the economic context and on land use.
  • SC23: Types and basis for calculation of prefabricated elements and their application in manufacturing processes.
  • SC24: Knowledge of planning, costing, constructing and maintaining building works in terms of structure, finishes, installations and equipment.
  • SC25: Capacity to build and conserve maritime constructions.
  • SC26: Capacity for the construction and maintenance of roads, as well as for dimensioning and designing elements that make up the basic road facilities.
  • SC27: Capacity to construct and conserve railroad lines, with knowledge of how to apply specific technical regulations and the ability to distinguish the specific characteristics of the rolling stock.
  • SC28: Capacity to apply construction procedures and machinery, as well as construction site planning techniques.
  • SC29: Capacity to construct geotechnical structures.
  • SC30: Knowledge and understanding of supply and sanitation systems, as well as their dimensioning, construction and maintenance.
  • SC31: Capacity to apply the knowledge and cross-disciplinary competencies developed through the various modules making up the degree programme.
  • SC32: Capacity to work individually on a professional project in the field of the technologies specific to civil engineering, synthesising and integrating the competencies acquired in the modules described above.
  • SC33: Capacity to apply the knowledge and skills acquired during the course through involvement in working groups at a company/organisation in the sector, under professional conditions of competition and client orientation.


In-company internships are a key part of your training. Gaining experience after learning skills during your degree is the best way to enter the job market. There are two types of internships: curricular (included in your curriculum) and extracurricular (those completed voluntarily).

To take part in curricular internships in companies, you must have passed 50% of the credits and enrolled for the subject before starting the internship. These internships are conducted with monitoring by the company and by the internship professor, as well as intermediate and final assessment reports.

If you want to gain more your work experience before finishing your university training, you can complete extracurricular internships. You may complete an extracurricular internship during any academic year, but remember that internships are complementary to your studies, so the more knowledge you have acquired over the course of your degree programme, the better you will be able to benefit from your internship experience.


As a result of the inclusion of BIM in the curriculum, recruitment of students and graduates in companies that want to introduce this methodology has increased. 100% of the civil engineering students from the last graduating class are now working in the sector.

Professional opportunities in Civil Engineering

As a Civil Engineer, you'll be able to work as a consultant or join construction companies in sectors such as infrastructure, renewable energies or urban development and transport planning: sectors that need professionals like you to plan, design and build all kinds of works. You could also develop your career by working with different Public Authorities.

  • Linear projects.
  • Hydraulic construction.
  • Maritime construction.
  • Structures.
  • Underground works.
  • Building.
  • Work on water supply and sanitation facilities.
  • Works project management and execution.
  • Labour risk prevention.
  • Renewable energies.
  • Risk analysis.
  • Concession management.
  • Engineering consultancy.
  • Technical office.
  • Structure calculation.
  • Project office.
  • Strategic consultancy.
  • Transportation systems logistics.
  • BIM methodology applied to projects and works.
  • Local and regional authorities.
  • Urban planning technician.
  • Works management.
  • General state administration.
  • Urban development, energy, environment, public works and treasury.
  • Public management company.
  • Civil engineer at: Adif, Renfe, Aguanorte, Acuasur, Acuamed.
  • Civil Servant.
  • Electrical sector.
  • Industrial sector: manufacture of structures,
  • Traffic management.
  • Public Sector.


Start your future at Universidad Europea

You can become a student at Universidad Europea in three easy steps.


Admission exams

Start your admission process by calling +34 917407272 or request information and our advisors will contact you.


Place reservation

Once you have been admitted, secure your place by paying the reservation fee.



Submit the required documents to formalise your enrollment.

Scholarships and financial aid

We want to help you. If you want to study at the Universidad Europea, you will have at your disposal a wide selection of own and official scholarships.

girl student

Credit recognition and transfers

You don’t have to stick with something you don’t like. That’s why we’ve designed specific plans for credit recognition and transfers. Request your online credit recognition review, transfer your academic file and start studying at Universidad Europea.

HPR Lab Universidad Europea de Madrid

Your virtual tour begins here!

Experience first-hand what it is like to study at Universidad Europea: our facilities and our experiential learning model.

Academic quality

As part of its strategy, the University has an internal quality plan whose objective is to promote a culture of quality and continuous improvement, and which allows it to face future challenges with the maximum guarantee of success. In this way, it is committed to promoting the achievement of external recognitions and accreditations, both nationally and internationally; the measurement and analysis of results; simplification in management; and the relationship with the external regulator.


Frequently Asked Questions

As a civil engineer, you will be able to enjoy a varied career in a number of sectors. After graduating from Universidad Europea, many of our graduates go on to enjoy successful careers in some of the following areas:

  • Construction companies
  • Consulting
  • Public Service
  • Electrical sector.
  • Industrial sector: manufacture of structures,
  • Traffic management.

These are just a few examples of the many career paths available to those with a civil engineering degree. The field is constantly evolving, and there are always new and exciting opportunities emerging.

The Degree in Civil Engineering at Universidad Europea lasts for four years and is made up of 240 ECTS. During that time, you will receive a thorough education and be prepared to work not just in Spain, but in the USA as well, as it is aligned with the requirements of the prestigious American ABET accreditation.

You will study at our state-of-the-art campus in Madrid, but also take part in numerous internship and work placements at prestigious companies, gaining the real work skills so that when you graduate, you are ready from day one.

Civil engineering can be a challenging degree because it involves a wide range of technical subjects such as mechanics, structures, materials, hydraulics, and geotechnics. Additionally, it requires the application of these subjects to real-world problems and the development of solutions that are safe, sustainable, and cost-effective.

However, having said that, at Universidad Europea, you will have all the support you’ll need to progress over the four-year programme. You will have at your disposal:

  • An elite faculty made up of experts in their areas with many years of experience in their sectors
  • A state-of-the-art campus including facilities such as a testing and geotechnical lab, manual fabrication workshop, wind tunnel, and Digital manufacturing laboratory (FABLab)
  • An innovative academic model, based on learning by doing, so you’ll be developing the skills needed for your professional career from day one.
  • The opportunity to complete internships and work placements at leading companies and organisations in their sectors.

Yes, civil engineers use a significant amount of math in their day-to-day work. Civil engineering involves designing and constructing buildings, roads, bridges, airports, water treatment plants, and other infrastructure systems. To design these structures, civil engineers use mathematical principles such as calculus, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics – all of which is covered within the curriculum of our Degree in Civil Engineering at Universidad Europea.
