Rosa Sanchidrián, Chancellor of the Universidad Europea of Valencia, has signed collaboration agreements with six different Parkinson’s associations in the Community of Valencia so their members can use the University Law Clinic services.

After two years of collaboration, the Universidad Europea of Valencia (UEV) has renewed its partnership agreement with the Valencia Parkinson’s Association so its members can gain assistance from the University Law Clinic. The UEV Law Clinic creates an academic environment where, similar to the hospital model, students are integrated into a professional environment and have to deal with real legal problems these associations face. Apart from the continued partnership with the Valencia Association, the UEV has signed five more agreements with the Parkinson's Associations in Castellón, Alicante, Elche, Gandía and Novelda. Rosa Sanchidrián, Chancellor of the UEV, signed these agreements on campus accompanied by the president of each association, the Head of the Clinic, Borja Pérez, and the Dean of the Department of Social Sciences, Carla de Paredes.
These agreements have been signed for the academic year 2022-2023 and all associations and their members can benefit from fast legal assistance and solutions. The University Legal Clinic has assigned a team of students to each association. These students are tutored by a faculty professor and a practising lawyer as they create legal analyses and reports to share with associate. In these agreements, each group of students will focus on one association and will draw up one report per case.
After signing the agreement at the University, the Chancellor expressed her pride and satisfaction saying that “it has not only allowed the University to respond to a social need, but has also given the students the opportunity to work in a professional environment from their first year”. “Adding more associations this year demonstrates how the partnership has bloomed, showing the added value and results it brings”, she continued. She also showed her gratitude, saying she was “very grateful that the associations have placed their faith in the students and professors of the Universidad Europea of Valencia”.
She also added that apart from the existing 45 students, they were going to incorporate students on the Master's in Law for the second consecutive year, because they can offer a different perspective and mentor the students”. Thanks to these collaborations, students acquire hands-on experience in the practice of Law and can help improve the quality of life for Parkinson’s sufferers and their families. Meanwhile, the Universidad Europea shows its commitment to helping society in Valencia and other groups in need. Once the agreement was signed, they held a round-table discussion and then posed for an on-site group photograph.