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Silvia Alonso offered a workshop on mobile applications for pupils from the Colegio Hispano Británico school

16 jan 2017

On November 24, Universidad Europea de Canarias professor Silvia Alonso visited the Colegio Hispano Británico school to offer a workshop on programming mobile applications with MIT App Inventor. The workshop was divided in two 2-hour sessions with two groups of 1st year baccalaureate pupils.

Silvia Alonso discussed the importance of knowing how to program, as well as other issues such as basic notions of programming with App Inventor. The pupils had the chance to program two applications (a TeleSketch to draw and delete by shaking the cell phone, and an app that reads the text being written).

The workshop was part of the 2nd ICT Seminars held that week at the Colegio Hispano Británico.