The work shows how the Universidad Europea has spent a decade successfully opting for the experiential learning method in the field of computing.

An article, 'PBL in the Computer Engineering Degree: analysis of almost a decade of implementation', published by four professors of the School of Architecture, Engineering and Design at Universidad Europea, has been recognised at JENUI 2022. The four authors were Pedro J. Lara Bercial, María Cruz Gaya López, Gonzalo Mariscal, and Carlos Moreno Martínez,.
The recognition is part of the 'Conference on University Teaching of Informatics' (JENUI 2022), promoted by the Association of University Teachers of Informatics, which celebrated its 28th edition in 2022.
The winner was selected from among the best articles presented for this year's conference and reflects how Universidad Europea has opted for experiential learning in the study of computer science, focused on designing a curriculum that promotes project-based subjects. The article gathers the impact of this implantation and the perception of the students.
The Alumni surveyed highlighted that these practical subjects "helped to understand the concepts explained in the theoretical subjects, with clearer and more visual examples of what was exposed in them."
In addition, they consider that they have been key in their professional development: “thanks to these subjects I was able to learn many bases that I use today to develop and direct projects. It is thanks to these subjects that I have had the skills to develop programs in very cutting-edge systems”, affirmed one of them.
The article has been awarded, among other things, for being "a work framed in the field of Software Engineering and clearly aligned with the SISTEDES themes by promoting an innovative teaching-learning process based on streamlining the classroom".