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Acerinox gives a talk to the STEAM School students

23 may 2022

Luis Peiró, director of Cedinox, Association for the Development and Research of Stainless Steel, which belongs to the Acerinox Group, explained to the students of the STEAM School the latest developments related to the stainless steel sector.

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STEAM School students at Universidad Europea have had the opportunity to learn first-hand about the main types of stainless steel, structure, properties and applications. In addition, they had the opportunity to solve real practical cases such as choosing the most suitable steel for certain applications. All this thanks to the visit by Luis Peiró, director of Cedinox, which is the Association for the Development and Research of Stainless Steel, formed by three companies of the Acerinox Group (Acerinox, Roldán and Inoxfil).

It has been a great opportunity for the students to get to know the steel industry from within. One of the students said: "It was a pretty good visit in relation to the subject, since we have seen the different types of steel, as well as the methods of obtaining them, I was also very curious about the tables with the different types of steel classified by their percentage of other components". Another commented: "I found it interesting to see what the steel industry is like from the inside and to have real cases of their work told us."