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23 nov 2023

How to pick a personal trainer

Edited on 08 Jan. 2024

Starting an exercise routine can be challenging, especially when questions arise about which exercises to do or how to use certain machines. The lack of clear answers often leads to frustration, leading many people to give up.

Fortunately, nowadays, it is increasingly common to have the assistance of a personal trainer. This figure is able to simplify the process of reaching specific goals and in maintaining a consistent exercise routine.

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The importance of exercise and personalised training

Personalised training offers many advantages by comprehensively addressing three essential areas: health, fitness and goals.

The personal trainer's job is to manage these elements precisely to maintain a balance. The priority is health, followed by fitness, personal situation and any unforeseen events that may arise and affect training.

A fitness expert will assess our abilities, goals and priorities objectively. In addition, he or she will provide us with the essential techniques, tools and strategies to achieve these goals, as well as resources for alternative plans when necessary.

Characteristics of a good personal trainer

When considering working with a personal trainer, three fundamental principles should be considered to ensure safe and effective training follow-up:

  1. Solid professional background: Ensure that the trainer has specialised knowledge in personal training, fitness and sports education.
  2. Experience, dedication and charisma: The coach should have experience, show dedication and have practical skills as well as effective strategies. In addition, it is important that he/she is punctual, respectful and has adequate planning.
  3. Personal qualities: The coach should possess qualities that are conducive to achieving the client's goals. These include:
  • Analytical approach. Ability to evaluate progress objectively and design effective personalised training programmes.
  • Enthusiasm and passion. Must find satisfaction in guiding clients and conveying positivity
  • Communication skills. Ability to clearly explain and justify exercise routines.
  • Respect for the boundaries of your role. Must not make diagnoses of injuries or illnesses that are the responsibility of other specialists.
  • Meticulous and organised approach. Ability to set short, medium and long term goals.
  • Realism. Must be able to recognise the physical and emotional limitations of their clients, avoiding creating unattainable expectations.

Benefits of hiring a personal trainer

Hiring a personal trainer offers significant advantages in creating an effective routine to achieve our goals. Some of these benefits are:

  • Personalisation of exercise plans: they tailor plans to individual goals, fitness level and restrictions.
  • Motivation and accountability: maintain our motivation and commitment by establishing regular training schedules.
  • Instruction in technique: they ensure correct execution of exercises, reducing the risk of injury.
  • Diversity and progress: they design varied and challenging programmes to maintain interest.
  • Time saving: they avoid wasting time on ineffective exercises, accelerating results.
  • Dietary advice: they can offer complementary nutritional recommendations.
  • Adjustment to specific needs: modify plans for particular medical conditions or requirements.
  • Increased self-esteem: as goals are achieved, self-confidence tends to grow.

In short, when starting an exercise routine, it is common to face challenges that can lead to frustration and demotivation. However, personal trainers have become an invaluable resource on the road to health and wellness.

These professionals not only personalise exercise plans and offer constant motivation, but also provide precise technical instruction, save time and adapt to individual needs. In addition, they contribute to the growth of our self-esteem as goals are achieved.

Therefore, choosing a personal trainer with solid training, experience and the right personal qualities is an essential step towards a healthier and more fulfilling life.