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The director of the Graduate Degree program takes part in a networking session focused on female workers

31 may 2016

The director of the Graduate Degree program of the Universidad Europea in Valencia, Rosa Sanchidrián, presented a lecture on May 17 on the situation facing female workers and the actions that can be implemented by governments and institutions to improve employability and promotions to a higher professional status for women.

The talk was part of a series of networking events hosted by the college Mas Camarena to create a space in which to form relationships and exchange knowledge directed at families that pertain to the educational group Siglo XXI.

Rosa Sanchidrián, Doctor of Economics and an expert in issues of gender and employability as well as educational innovation, in addition to serving as the director of the Graduate Degree program of the Universidad Europea of Valencia, detailed, in addition to other subjects, the political, business and economic measures applied by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), among other international organizations, to achieve a greater presence of women in the managing bodies of the major international companies.