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Professor Enrique Carrasco offered a conference on journalistic deontology and cinema in Journalism at the ULL

09 jan 2017

A few weeks ago, Enrique Carrasco, an Advertising Communication professor at the Universidad Europea de Canarias, gave a conference on cinema and journalistic deontology at the School of Information Science at theUniversidad de La Laguna.

The lecture, entitled "Spotlight (2015): between lobby pressure and the light of journalistic research", is part of a Program of Seminars and Workshops on responsible media audiences and consumption called Information on politics, culture, historical heritage, fashion and advertising. Carrasco offered an X-ray of the US movie Spotlight, which won the Oscar for the best movie last year, with a sequential analysis of the film to highlight the ins and outs of journalism as a career and ethical limits in the search for sources and information.

The movie is based on the true story of a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigation that denounced the Catholic Church for the families of children reporting pedophilia in cases involving numerous priests from the Archdiocese of Boston.