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“Our mission with the JES Awards is to support young people so that they can lead the social transformation of society”

21 dec 2016

The Universidad Europea brought together the winners of the JES Awards for the first time at the 1st Meeting of Young Social Entrepreneurs Award Winners, the awards that each year recognize 10 social initiatives and give visibility to projects that can inspire society.

The event, held on December 16 at the Alcobendas Campus, hosted thirty of the winners who, from the first edition in 2008-09 and with a total of 80 projects represented by 80 leaders, aged between 18 and 29, seek to transform society with social innovation.

The event was inaugurated by Andrés Pina, director of the Young Social Entrepreneurs Awards, accompanied by the director of Communication and International Relations at the Universidad Europea, José María Palomares, and former JES Award directors Laura Gómez and Caroline Jérôme.

During the 1st Meeting of Young Social Entrepreneurs Award Winners, the winners had the chance to meet each other, put a face to the social projects and share their views to continue promoting transformative ideas. The JES Community showed their appreciation for organizing this first meeting and their desire to attend many more in the future.