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A Universidad Europea text, Annual COEM Award for Best Scientific Article

30 may 2016

The Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de la I Región (COEM) gave its Annual Award for Best Scientific Article of CAM Universities to the text entitled “Analytical study of MTA-Angelus and Biodentine with SPME-GCMS and AFM techniques”, written by Víctor Díaz-Flores García, Lucía Martínez Pérez, Amparo Escribano Otero and Nour Kayali of the Universidad Europea.

In addition, the second prize was awarded to the article "In-vitro analysis of the fracture resistance of carbon thermocycled fiber structures", written by Evelina Haroyan, UCM.

The jury consisted of doctors Magdalena Azabal Arroyo, Margarita Gómez Sánchez, Eugenio C. Grano de Oro Cordero, Alejandro Iglesias Linares, Antonio F. López Sánchez, Antonio Montero Martínez and Juan Manuel Vadillo Martín.