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The 10th EU STEAM SCHOOL Awards endorse a project-based method of learning

30 sep 2022

This latest edition highlighted the growing interest in methodology and the high standard of the proposals presented gave plenty of inspiration for future editions.


On 28 September, the 10th edition of the EU STEAM SCHOOL awards was held marked by a very special celebration. More than 25 leading companies in different fields featured on the jury, and this year’s event broke the record for participation with more than 100 projects, 30 candidates and 12 finalists in the different areas. These categories are Science (S), Technology (T), Engineering (E), Art (A), and Mathematics (M). The awards paid homage to and highlighted the value of the work, talent and dedication of the students and teachers of our school who have emphasized Project-based Learning over the past 10 years.

The event allowed students and professors to chat to companies while a string quartet entertained them with background music. They could exhibit their project posters and enjoyed the summary videos in the auditorium together with the awards ceremonies for the different categories:

The winning projects in the STEAM categories were Torre Tesla (S), Safe Breath (T), Pulsioxímetro (E), Grada para huerto urbano (A) and FP hunter (M). The attendees could also help award a popular prize, which was given to the Baldosa Fluorescente project.

This awards ceremony also offered a section for reflecting on the professional sector, led by Cristina Hernández, Director of ISDEFE, who stressed the benefits of the PBL methodology in University teaching.